Professor, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Department of Veterinary Population Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota
132. Wells, S.J., N. Kubat&, L.A. Espejo& and SM. Godden. Effect of delaying exposure to Johne’s disease until adulthood on development of new infections in adult dairy cows. JDIP / ADSA Joint Meeting. Denver, CO. July, 2010.
133. Place, N. &, A. Bents&, K. Leslie, B. Nelson, D. Haines, and S. Godden. Relationship between serum total protein and serum IgG in Holstein calves fed either a plasma- or lacteal-derived colostrum replacer. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 105-106.
134. Bents, A. &, N. Place&, K. Leslie, B. Nelson, D. Haines, and S. Godden. Comparison of feeding plasma- and lacteal-derived colostrum replacers on fecal scores and pathogen shedding in heifer dairy calves. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 107-108.
135. Brakefield, K. &, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, P. Rapnicki, C. Jones, R. Bey, and D. Haines. Effect of feeding Bovamine probiotic on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn calves. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 103-104.
136. Koewler, N. &, S. Godden, M. Bandrick, T. Molitor, P. Rapnicki, R. Bey and D. Haines. Heat-treatment of bovine colostrum decreases maternal leukocyte viability. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 99-102.
137. Kalthoff, J. &, S. Godden, S. Wells, J. Fetrow, L. Espejo. Is serum total protein a useful predictor of clinical Johne’s disease in dairy cows that are ELISA-positive for Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis? Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 97-98.
138. Lobeck, K.M. &, M.I. Endres, S.M. Godden, and J. Fetrow. 2010. Assessment of animal welfare in cross-ventilated vs. naturally ventilated freestal barns using survival analysis. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-20, 2010. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 87.
139. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow and J. Stabel. 2009. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on preweaning health, economics and transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis in dairy calves: Phase I. In Proc. CSREES Animal Protection and Biosecurity PD Workshop. Dec. 6, 2009. Chicago, IL.
140. Apparao, M.D&, P.L. Ruegg, A. Lago, S. Godden, R. Bey, and K. Leslie. 2009. Single and multi-drug resistance profiles exhibited by gram-positive mastitis pathogens. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 208.
141. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2009. Preliminary results on the effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on health and growth in preweaned dairy calves. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 187.
142. Schrupp, M. &, M. Bandrick, T. Molitor, and S. Godden. 2009. Effect of vaccinating preweaned dairy calves on cell mediated immune function. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009.
143. Konkol, K. &, S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, M. Overton and E. Rollin. 2009. Validation of a rapid cow-side test for the measurement of blood beta-hydroxybutyrate in fresh cows. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 190.
144. Stewart, S., S. Godden and M. Schrupp. 2009. Preliminary validation of a ‘calf-side’ test for measurement of serum IgG in dairy calves. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 193
145. Belz, J. &, S. Godden, D. Haines, K. Leslie and B. Nelson. 2009. Association between serum total protein and immunoglobulin G measures in calves fed a whole colostrum derived colostrum replacer. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 195
146. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg and K. Leslie. 2009. Effect of the treatment of clinical mastitis based on on-farm culture on secondary therapy, days to clinical cure, days out of tank, mastitis recurrence, somatic cell count, milk yield and culling. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 212.
147. Lago, A&, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg and K. Leslie. 2009. Efficacy of two fresh cow subclinical mastitis treatment programs on antibiotic use, days out of tank, bacteriological cure, clinical mastitis, somatic cell count, milk yield, reproduction and culling. Annu mtg of AABP. Omaha, NB. Sept. 10-12, 2009. pg. 214.
148. Godden, S., S. Wells, J. Stabel, D. Haines, R. Bey, J. Fetrow, P. Pithua, M. Donahue. Advances in colostrum management. 2009. South Branch Symposium. Annu mtg of ADSA. Montreal, Qc. July 13-16, 2009. Abstract #167.
149. Lobeck, K.M. &, M.I. Endres, E.M. Shane, S.M. Godden, J. Fetrow. 2009. Animal welfare in cross-ventilated and naturally ventilated dairy barns in the upper Midwest USA
Annu mtg of ADSA. Montreal, Qc. July 13-16, 2009. Abtract #345.
150. Duffield, T.F., M. Carson&, M. Capel, S. Godden, M. Overton, J. Santos, S.J. LeBlanc. 2009. Associations between herd risk of high precalving NEFA and management, feed additive and facility factors. Annu mtg of ADSA. Montreal, Qc. July 13-16, 2009. Abstract. #606.
151. Duffield, T.F., M. Carson&, M. Capel, S. Godden, M. Overton, J. Santos, S.J. LeBlanc. 2009. Associations between herd risk of high precalving NEFA and dietary factors. Annu mtg of ADSA. Montreal, Qc. July 13-16, 2009. Abstract # 607.
152. Belz, J. &, S. Godden, D.M. Haines, K. Leslie, and B. Nelson. 2009. Association between serum total protein and immunoglobulin G measures in calves fed a whole colostrum derived colostrum replacer. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 80-82.
153. Stewart, S. &, S. Godden and M. Schrupp. 2009. Preliminary validation of a ‘calf-side’ test for measurement of serum IgG in dairy calves. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 80-82.
154. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2009. Preliminary results on the effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on health and growth in preweaned dairy calves. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 83-84.
155. Schrupp, M. &, M. Bandrick, T. Molitor, and S. Godden. 2009. Effect of vaccinating preweaned dairy calves on cell mediated immune function. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 85.
156. Konkol, K. &, S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, M. Overton, and E. Rollin. 2009. Validation of a rapid cow-side test for the measurement of blood beta-hydroxybutyrate in fresh cows. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 86-87.
157. Pithua, P. &, S.J. Wells, and S.M. Godden. 2009. Risk of detecting Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis DNA in colostrum and on teat skin of Holstein cows in Johne’s disease infected herds. In Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 88.
158. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg, and K. Leslie. 2009. Effect of the selective treatment of clinical mastitis based on on-farm culture results on the risk to receive secondary therapy, days to clinical cure, days out of the tank, clinical mastitis recurrence, somatic cell count, milk production and culling. In Proc. MN Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-21, 2009. Pg. 90-93.
159. Boyce, M. &, E. Malone, L.B. Anderson, S. Park, S. Godden., F. Jenner, T.N. Trumble. 2008. Diffusion of triamcinolone acetonide from the equine distal interphalangeal joint into the navicular bursa. American College of Veterinary Surgeons Veterinary Symposium, San Diego, CA, October 2008.
160. Konkol, K. &, S. Godden, and D. Haines. 2008. The effect of method of colostrum feeding (bottle vs tube) on passive transfer of IgG in newborn dairy calves. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 250.
161. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, J. Fetrow, C. Ferrouillet and S. Wells. 2008. Feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk did not increase the risk for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in adult dairy cows. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 252.
162. Pithua, P. &, S.M. Godden, and S.J. Wells. 2008. The effect of plasma-derived colostrum replacer feeding programs for prevention of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in dairy calves. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 251.
163. Kuechle, B. &, S. Godden, and R. Bey. 2008. Effect of two bedding conditioners on bacteria counts and pH in shavings, digested manure solids and recycled sand bedding. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 223
164. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg, K. Leslie, and R. Dingwell. 2008. Effect of using an on-farm culture-based treatment system on antibiotic use and bacteriological cure for clinical mastitis. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 226
165. Peterson, J. &, S. Godden, and R. Bey. 2008. Relationship between bacteria levels in colostrum and efficiency of absorption of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 248.
166. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow, J. Stabel. 2008. Effect of feeding raw versus heat-treated colostrum on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 249.
167. Carson, M. &, S. LeBlanc, S. Godden, M. Capel, M. Overton, J. Santos, K. Leslie, T. Duffield. 2008. Serum non-esterified fatty acid and beta-hydroxybutyrate in the transition period and their associations with disease in dairy cows. 25th World Buiatrics Congress. Badapest, Hungary. July 6-11, 2008. Abstract 34.
168. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow, J. Stabel. 2008. Effect of feeding raw versus heat-treated colostrum on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Management Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 100-101.
169. Carson, M. &, S. LeBlanc, S. Godden, M. Capel, M. Overton, J. Santos, K. Leslie, T. Duffield. 2008. Serum non-esterified fatty acid and beta-hydroxybutyrate in the transition period and their associations with disease in dairy cows. Proc. 17th Annu Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference. Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. Apr. 22-23, 2008. Pg. 147.
170. Apparao, M.D. &, P.L. Ruegg, A. Lago, S. Godden, R. Bey, R. Dingwell,, and K. Leslie. 2008. Comparison of in-vitro MIC’s of gram positive pathogens isolated from cases of subclinical and clinical mastitis. Abstract T10. Annu. Mtg. American Dairy Science Assoc. J. Dairy Sci. 91: E-supplement 1. Pg. 4.
171. Apparao, M.D. &, P.L. Ruegg, A. Lago, S. Godden, K. Leslie. 2008. Relationship between MIC of gram-positive mastitis pathogens and treatment outcomes following intramammary treatment with Cephapirin. Proc. Annu. Meet. National Mastitis Council. New Orleans, Louisiana. Jan. 20-23, 2008. Pg. 256-257.
172. Johnson, J. &, S. Godden, T. Molitor, T. Ames, and D. Hagman. 2007. Effects of feeding heat-treated colostrum on passive transfer of immune and nutritional parameters in neonatal dairy calves. In AABP Newsletter. Dec. 2007. Pg. 7.
173. Carson, M. &, S. LeBlanc, S. Godden, M. Capel, M. Overton, J. Santos. 2007. Concentrations of serum non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) through the transition period and their associations with risk of clinical disease. Proc. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 20-22, 2007. Vancouver, British Columbia. Pg. 249-250.
174. Godden, S., D. Haines, and R. Bey. 2007. Effect of feeding one or two doses of a colostrum-derived commercial colostrum replacer on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Proc. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 20-22, 2007. Vancouver, British Columbia. Pg. 220.
175. Carrier, J. &, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, P. Rapnicki. 2007. Description of the spontaneous development of ketonemia in the early postpartum period. Proc. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 20-22, 2007. Vancouver, British Columbia. Pg. 248-249.
176. Lago, A.*, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, R. Dingwell. 2007. Prevalence, etiology and self cure rates of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. Proc. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 20-22, 2007. Vancouver, British Columbia. Pg. 266.
177. Campbell, J., L. Russel, J. Crenshaw, E. Weaver, S. Godden, J. Quigley, J. Coverdale and H. Tyler. 2007. Impact of irradiation and immunoglobulin G on absorption of protein and IgG in calves fed a colostrum replacer. J Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):296.
178. Johnson, J. &, D. Hagman*, S. Godden, T. Ames, and T. Molitor. 2007. The effect of feeding three plasma-derived colostrum replacer formulations on passive transfer of immunoglobulins in neonatal dairy calves. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 21:403.
179. Dingwell, R., S. Godden, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, and Y. Schukken. 2007. Misclassification of udder health status due to culture of single versus duplicate quarter milk samples. Proc. Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 21-24, 2007. San Antonio, TX. Pg. 258-259.
180. Pithua, P. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden. 2007. Effect of maternity pen management on neonatal calf health during the first 90 days of life. Proceedings of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. Pp 105
181. Pithua, P. &,S.M. Godden, S.J. Wells. 2007. Effect of feeding a commercial colostrum substitute on risk for transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in newborn calves– descriptive preliminary data. Proceedings. of the 40th Midwestern sectional meeting of the American Society of Animal Science and the American Dairy Science Association. DesMoines, IA. Mar 19-21, 2007. Pp 23
182. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Prevalence and etiology of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. Proc. Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 21-24, 2007. San Antonio, TX. Pg. 246-247.
183. Lago, A&, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Persistence of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. Proc. Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 21-24, 2007. San Antonio, TX. Pg. 252-253.
184. McMartin, S&., S. Godden, L. Metzger, J. Feirtag, R. Bey, J. Stabel, S. Goyal, J. Fetrow, S. Wells, H. Chester-Jones. USDA – ARS Website. 2007. Heat treatment of bovine colostrum I. Effects of temperature on viscosity and immunoglobulin G level. Jan. 1, 2007.
185. Pithua, P. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden, and E. Raizman. 2006. Individual cow maternity pens are not effective in reducing risk of early calfhood disease in dairy heifer calves during the first 90 days of life. Proc. 87th Annu. Meet. of the Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD). Chicago, IL. Pg. 142.
186. Godden, S., S. McMartin, J. Feirtag, J. Stabel, R. Bey, S. Goyal, L. Metzger, J. Fetrow, S. Wells, H. Chester-Jones. 2006. Heat-treatment of bovine colostrum II: Effects of heating duration on pathogen viability and immunoglobulin G. American Association of Bovine Practitioners (A.A.B.P.) Newsletter. Sept. 2006.
187. Carrier, J. &, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart and P. Rapnicki. 2006. Predictors of stillbirth for cows moved to calving pens when calving is imminent. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 158-159.
188. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell, and P. Ruegg. 2006. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from on-farm bi-plate culture versus standard laboratory culture. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 250-251.
189. Raizman, E. &, J. Fetrow, S. Wells, S. Godden, and M. Oakes. 2006. The association between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis fecal shedding or clinical Johne’s disease and lactation performance on two Minnesota, USA dairy farms. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 289-290.
190. Hagman, D&. and S. Godden. 2006. Feeding heat-treated colostrum to dairy calves. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 297.
191. Hochhalter, J. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, A. Lago, M. Jones. 2006. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from in-lab bi-plate culture versus standard laboratory culture, and bi-plate inter-reader agreement. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 298.
192. Jones, M. &, J. Hochhalter&, R. Bey, A. Lago, S. Godden. 2006. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from in-lab tri-plate culture versus standard laboratory culture, and tri-plate inter-reader agreement. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 299.
193. Pithua, P. &, S.J. Wells, and S.M. Godden. 2006. Effect of maternity pen management on morbidity an dmortality in dairy heifer calves from birth to 90 days of life. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 261.
194. Raizman, E. &, S. Wells, Godden, S., J. Fetrow, K. Friendshuh, M. Oakes. 2006. Characterization of Minnesota dairy herds participating in a Johne’s Disease control program and evaluation of the program risk assessment tool. Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract (A.A.B.P.) Newsletter. July, 2006.
195. Hagman, D. &, S. Godden, J. Johnson, T. Molitor, and T. Ames. 2006. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on serum immunoglobulin G concentrations in dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1). Pg. 414.
196. Pithua, P. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden. 2006. Effect of materniaty pen management on risk of early calfhood diseases in dairy heifer calves during the preweaning period. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1). Pg. 413.
197. Raizman, E.A. &, J. Fetrow, S.M. Godden and S.J. Wells. 2006. The impact of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis fecal shedding and clinical Johne’s disease on lactation performance. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1). Pg. 134.
198. Burton, J.L., P.S.D. Weber, A.A. Bush, L. Neuder, W. Raphael, R.J. Erskine, J. Carrier, and S. Godden. 2006. Parturient steroids and labor duration associate with dystocia and stillbirth. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 89 (Suppl. 1). Pg. 8.
199. Kelton, D. Dingwell, R., Godden, S., Leslie, K., Schukken, Y., Hand, K. Misclassification of Udder Health Status Due to Culture of Single Versus Duplicate Milk Samples. Submitted for presentation at I.S.V.E.E. Australia. Summer, 2006.
200. Lago, A. &, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell, P. Ruegg, L. Timms and S. Godden. 2006. Preliminary validation of an on-farm culture system. Submitted for presentation at the Annu. Meet. of the American Dairy Science Association. July 9-13, 2006. St. Paul, MN.
201. Johnson, J. &, D. Hagman&, T. Ames, T. Molitor, and S. Godden. 2006. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum immunoglobulin number and function in dairy calves. Veterinary Internal Medicine. 20(3):402.
202. Carrier, J. &, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki. 2006. Predictors of stillbirth for cows moved to calving pens with calving is imminent. Accepted for presentation at the Annu. Meet. of the American Dairy Science Association. July 9-13. St. Paul, MN.
203. Hagman, D. &, S. Godden, J. Johnson, T. Molitor, T. Ames. 2006. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on serum immunoglobulin G concentrations in dairy calves. Accepted for presentation at the Annu. Meet. of the Am. Dairy Science Association. July 9-13. St. Paul, MN.
204. Lago, A. &, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell, P. Ruegg, L. Timms and S. Godden. 2006. Preliminary validation of an on-farm culture system. Poster pres. In proc. 45th Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 22-25, 2006. Tampa, FL. Pg. 290-291.
205. Dingwell, R. &, S. Godden, D.Kelton, R. Bey, K. Leslie, and Y. Schukken. 2005. Assessing agreement in bacteriological recovery of mastitis pathogens among single and duplicate quarter milk samples collected for five consecutive days. Poster and Proc. 44th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Orlando, FL. Jan. 16-19, 2005. pg. 217-218.
206. McMartin, S. &, S. Godden, J. Feirtag, L. Metzger, R. Bey, S. Goyal. Effect of
pasteurization temperature on immunoglobulin G, viscosity and pathogen viability in bovine colostrum. 2005. In proc. 38th Annu. Convention of the American Association
of Bovine Practitioners. Salt Lake City, UT. Sept. 22-24, 2005. pg. 158.
207. Raizman, E.A. &, S.J. Wells, and S.M. Godden. 2005. Clinical and subclinical diseases predisposing to Johne’s Disease in dairy cattle. In proc. 38th Annu. Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Salt Lake City, UT. Sept. 22-24, 2005. pg. 164.
208. Leslie, K., D. Kelton, Y. Schukken, S. Godden, R. Bey, R. Dingwell, G. Keefe,
K. Hand. 2005. Comparison of bacteriological results recorded from single and
duplicate quarter milk samples collected from early and late lactation dairy cows
for five consecutive days. Fourth International Dairy Federation Mastitis Conference. Maastricht, The Netherlands. June 12-15, 2005.
209. Raizman, E.A. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden, R.F. Bey, M.J. Oakes, D.C. Bentley, K.E. Olsen. 2004. Use of environmental sa
mpling as a herd screening diagnostic tool for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis on Minnesota dairy farms. 37th Annu. Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Fort Worth, TX. Sept. 23-25, 2004. pg. 199.
210. Raizman, E.A. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden, R.F. Bey, M.J. Oakes, D.C. Bentley, K.E. Olsen. 2004. Use of environmental sa
mpling as a herd screening diagnostic tool for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis on Minnesota dairy farms. 47th Annu. Conference of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Greensboro, NC. Oct. 21-25, 2004. pg. 107.
211. Raizman, E.A. &, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden, R.F. Bey, M.J. Oakes, D.C. Bentley, K.E. Olsen. 2004. The distribution of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis on Minnesota dairies using bacterial culture of fecal ppols. 47th Annu. Conference of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Greensboro, NC. Oct. 21-25, 2004. pg. 197.
212. Sockett, D.C. &, A.I. Brower, K.. Woods, R.E. Porter, P.N. Bochsler, S.M. Godden, N.E. Forsberg, S.B. Puntenney, and Y. Wang. 2004. Hemorrhagic Bowel Syndrome in dairy cattle: Preliminary results from a case control study. A.A.V.L.D. (American Association of Laboratory Diagnosticians) Annu. Meet. Oct. 21-28, 2004. Greensboro, NC.
213. Godden, S., R. Bey, T. Malmedal, J. Gerdes, D. Borjesson, S. Wells, H. Chester-Jones, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki. 2004. Prelminary Results from a Field Study to Investigate the Relationship between Colostrum Quality and Management and Serum Immunoglobulin Concentrations in Dairy Calves. Proc. 37th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 23-25, 2004. Ft. Worth, TX. Pg. 215.
214. Carrier. J. &, S. Stewart, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, and P. Rapnicki. 2004. Evaluation of three cow-
side diagnostic tests for the detection of subclinical ketosis in fresh cows. Proc.37th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 23-25, 2004. Ft. Worth, TX. Pg. 181.
215. Sithole, F.*, I. Dohoo, L. DesCoteaux, S. Godden, K. Leslie, J. Campbell, and J. Sanchez. 2004. Effect of eprinomectin treatment at calving on milk production in dairy herds with limited pasture exposure. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress. Quebec City, Quebec. July 11-16, 2004. pg. 124.
216. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2004. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress. Quebec City, Quebec. July 11-16, 2004. pg. 162.
217. Carrier. J. &, S. Stewart, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, and P. Rapnicki. 2004. Evaluation of three cow-
side diagnostic tests for the detection of subclinical ketosis in fresh cows. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress. Quebec City, Quebec. July 11-16, 2004. pg. 117
218. Godden, S., and R. Wallace. Heifer management for dairy calves. Abstract #53 of abstracts for 2004 Ann. Meet. Midwestern Section of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal Science. Des Moines, IA. March 15-16, 2004. pg. 13.
219. Sithole F*., I.R. Dohoo, L. DesCoteaux, S. Godden, K. Leslie, and J. Campbell. 2003. Effect of Eprinomectin treatment at calving on milk production in confined and semi-confined dairy herds. 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (I.S.V.E.E.). Viña del Mar, Chile. Nov. 17-21, 2003.
220. Raizman, E&, S.J. Wells, S.M. Godden, R. Bey, D.C. Bentley, K.E. Olsen, and M. Oakes. 2003. The distribution of Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis in the environment surrounding Minnesota dairy farms. 10th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (I.S.V.E.E.). Viña del Mar, Chile. Nov. 17-21, 2003.
221. Carrier. J. &, S. Godden, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, and P. Rapnicki. 2003. Evaluation of three cow-
side diagnostic tests for the detection of subclinical ketosis in fresh cows. Proc. 84th Annu. Meet. Of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Chicago, IL. Nov. 9-11, 2003. No. 33.
222. Fossler, C.P. &, S.J. Wells, J.B. Kaneene, P.L. Ruegg, L.D. Warnick, J.B. Bender, L.E. Eberly, S.M. Godden, L.W. Halbert, and A.M. Campbell. 2003. Occurrence of Salmonella on 129 conventional and organic dairy farms in the Midwest and Northeast United States: A herd level analysis. Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association. San Diego, CA. Oct. 2003.
223. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. 36th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Columbus, OH. Sept. 18-20, 2003. pg. 241.
224. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, L. Green, S. Wells, J. Fetrow. Preweaning health and performance of Minnesota dairy calves fed either pasteurized waste milk or a traditional milk replacer feeding program. 36th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Columbus, OH. Sept. 18-20, 2003. pg. 240.
225. Visser, B.M. &, J.G. Linn, S.M. Godden, and M.L. Raeth-Knight. 2003. Effects of prepartum diet and postpartum drenching on production performance and blood parameters of early lactation primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 104.
226. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 85-86.
227. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2003. Effect of batch and high temperature-short time pasteurization on immunoglobulin G concentrations in colostrum. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 246.
228. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2003. Practical considerations related to installation and use of commercial pasteurization units for on-farm pasteurizing of milk and colostrum. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 247.
229. Fossler C.P. &, S.J. Wells, J.B. Bender, S.M. Godden, J.B. Kaneene, P.L. Ruegg, L.D. Warnick, C. Bolin, A. Green, and L. Halbert. 2002. Risk factors for Salmonella prevalence in conventional and organic dairy farms in the Midwest and Northeast US. Abstr. #92 in Proc.Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. St. Louis, MO. Nov. 10-12, 2002.
230. Wells, S.J. &, S. Godden, C.J. Lindeman, and J. Collins. 2002. Evaluation of use of pooled fecal cultures for detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in dairy cattle herds. Proc. Annual Meeting of Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. St. Louis, MO. Nov. 10-12, 2002.
231. Johnson, A., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, S. Godden, and N. Barka. 2002. Effects of forestripping on milk flow rates. Udder Topics – National Mastitis Council Newsletter. Oct. 2002. 25: 3.
232. McKenzie, E. &, S.J. Valberg, S.M. Godden, J.D. Pagan, G.P. Carlson, J.M. MacLeay, and F.D. DelaCorte. 2002. Volumetric urine collection versus single sample collection in horses consuming diets varying in dietary cation-anion balance (DCAB). J. Vet. Int. Med. 16(3):336.
233. Johnson, A.*, P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, S. Godden, and N. Barka. 2002. Evaluation of teat cleanliness after use of a powered mechanical teat scrubber. Proc. American Association of Bovine Practitioners 35th Annual Convention. Sept. 26-29, 2002. Madison, WI. Pg. 186.
234. Rapnicki, P., A. Johnson, A., S. Stewart, and S. Godden. 2002. A field trial to evaluate the effects of fore-stripping on milk-flow rates. Proc. American Association of Bovine Practitioners 35th Annual Convention. Sept. 26-29, 2002. Madison, WI. Pg. 194.
235. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2002. Pasteurization effects on Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus. Proc. American Association of Bovine Practitioners 35th Annual Convention. Sept. 26-29, 2002. Madison, WI. Pg. 190.
236. Godden, S., J. Jansen, K. Leslie, N. Smart, and D. Kelton. 2002. The effect of sa
mple handling on the detection of Staphylococcus aureus in milk from quarters with subclinical mastitis. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Newsletter. August. 2002. p.4.
237. Visser, B.M. &, J.G. Linn, S.M. Godden, and M.L. Raeth-Knight. 2002. Effects of prefresh diet and post parturition drenching on early lactation performance of multiparous Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1): 186.
238. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2002. Pasteurization effects on Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella sp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus. J. Dairy Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):151-152.
239. Wells, S.W&, S. Godden, R.H. Whitlock, and J. Collins. 2002. Interpretation of serum ELISA for detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis fecal shedding in cattle herds. Proc. 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. June 11-14, 2002. Bilbao, Spain.
240. Godden, S. K. Lissemore, K. Leslie, D. Kelton, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1997. Effect of sample type and handling on a milk urea nitrogen assay. J.Dairy Sci. 80 (Supple. 1): 207.
Presentations with Proceedings at Scientific and Veterinary Conferences (Speaker indicated by * if other than S. Godden)
1. Podcast. Methods of processing recycled manure solids bedding on Midwest dairy farms II: Relationships between bedding characteristics and bedding bacteria count. AABP. 01/29/2024
2. Webinar (11/7/23) and did 1 hr Podast (12/1/23). Balchem. Colostrum is liquid gold.
3. Webinar. WVMA. Management of recycled manure solids bedding. 11/3/23
4. Recorded Webinar. On-farm culture systems for clinical mastitis. Pakistan veterinary group. 10/2023
5. Preconference Seminar: The Replacemant Heifer from Birth to Calving. S. Godden. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Sept. 18-23, 2023. Milwaukee, WI. Three presentations:
6. Podcast. Management of recycled manure solids bedding. AABP. 07/2023
7. Colostrum management in dairy calves – A value proposition for your practice. S. Godden. 2 hr webinar. WVMA. Dec. 6, 2022.
8. Calf management from birth to weaning. S. Godden. 2 hr webinar. Boehringer Ingelheim China. Oct. 14, 2022
9. Monitoring colostrum management on dairy farms – A practice building opportunity for DVMs. MVMA Lunch & Learn webinar. Oct. 5, 2022
10. Preconference Seminar: The Replacemant Heifer from Birth to Calving. S. Godden. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Sept. 18-24, 2022. Long Beach, CA. Three presentations:
12. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. S. Godden. 2022 Virginia Veterinary Conference. Feb. 24-26, 2022. Roanoke, VA. (virtual)
13. Management of pasteurized milk and colostrum feeding systems. S. Godden. 2022 Virginia Veterinary Conference. Feb. 24-26, 2022. Roanoke, VA. (virtual)
14. Mitgating mastitis risk when using recycled manure solids bedding. S. Godden. 61st Annu Mtg National Mastitis Council. San Diego, CA. Feb. 1-3, 2022.
15. Three Bs of udder health: Bedding, bacteria load, and better management.S. Godden. Societa Italiana di Buiatria Conference, Italy. Nov. 24, 2021 (virtual)
16. Colostrum management. S. Godden. Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy – Webinar Series. Oct. 11 and 18, 2021 (virtual).
17. Preconference Seminar: The Replacemant Heifer from Birth to Calving. S. Godden. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Oct. 7-9, 2021. Salt Lake City, UT. Three presentations:
19. Negatively Controlled Trial Investigating the Effect of Dry Cow Therapy on Clinical Mastitis and Culling. M. Dziuba, Rowe, S.M.*, B. Boyum, S. Godden, E. Royster, and L. Caixeta. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Oct. 7-9, 2021. Salt Lake City, UT.
20. New standards for monitoring transfer of passive immunity in dairy calves. S. Godden. Annu Mtg. MN Dairy Health Conference – Webinar. May 6, 2021
21. Rearing the Perfect Heifer Calf. S. Godden. “Chand Shanbe ba Nima†Live program on Instagram with Nima Naderi. Iranian Veterinary Group. April 7, 2021. (virtual)
22. Updates on Colostrum Management. S. Godden. Danish Agriculture and Food Council Veterinary Group. Mar. 31, 2021 (virtual)
23. Newborn Calf Care. S. Godden. Danish Agriculture and Food Council Veterinary Group. Mar. 14, 2021 (virtual)
24.Updates on Colostrum Management. S. Godden. Mid-Atlantic States Conference for Bovine Practitioners (MDVMA). March 25, 2021.(virtual)
25. Using Rapid Culture Systems to Guide Selective Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and at Dry-off. E. Royster, S. Godden, E. Royster and S. Rowe. 3 hrs Short Course #1 at 60th Annu Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Jan 20, 2021. (virtual)
26. Decision support tools for selective dry cow therapy. Rowe, S.M.*, A. Vasquez, S.M. Godden, D.V. Nydam. Proc. 60th Annu. Conf National Mastitis Council. Jan. 25-28, 2021 (virtual).
27. 3 Bs of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacteria Load and Better Management. S. Godden, F. Pena Mosca, E. Royster, S. Rowe, J. Timmeran, B. Crooker. National Mastitis Council Webinar. Nov. 19, 2020 (virtual).
28. 3 Bs of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacteria Load and Better Management. S. Godden, F. Pena Mosca, E. Royster, S. Rowe, J. Timmeran, B. Crooker. ABS Global technician meeting. Aug. 14, 2020 (virtual).
29. Bedding management and udder health – Getting better results from recycled manure solids and sand bedding. Godden, S., F. Pena Mosca, E. Royster, J. Timmeran, B. Crooker. 2020. Proc. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Conference. Aug. 6, 2020. (virtual).
30. What’s new in colostrum management. S. Godden. Annu. Conf. Vermont VMA. June 19, 2020. (virtual).
31. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of pre-weaned dairy calves. S. Godden. Annu. Conf. Vermont VMA. June 19, 2020. (virtual).
32. Pasteurized milk and colostrum feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. S. Godden. Annu. Conf. Vermont VMA. June 19, 2020. (virtual).
33. Nutrition of the pre-weaned dairy heifer. S. Godden. Annu. Conf. Vermont VMA. June 19, 2020. (virtual).
34. Using Rapid Culture Systems to Guide Selective Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and at Dry-off. S. Godden, E. Royster, S. Rowe and J. Timmerman. 3 hrs Short Course #1 at 59th Annu Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Jan 28-30, 2020. Orlando, FL.
35. Using Rapid Culture Systems to Guide Selective Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and at Dry-off. S. Godden, E. Royster and J. Timmerman. 3 hrs Short Course #1 at 58th Annu Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Jan 29-Feb. 1, 2019. Savannah, GA.
36. Godden, S., E. Royster, S. Rowe, K. Patel, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker, L. Fox. Chipping away at the tough questions about bedding management and mastitis. 52nd Annu Conf. of the American Assoc. of Bovine Practitioners. St. Louis, MO. Sept. 12—14, 2019. pp 321-326
37. Preconference Seminar: The Replacemant Heifer from Birth to Calving. 52nd Annu Conf. of the American Assoc. of Bovine Practitioners. St. Louis, MO. Sept. 9-11, 2019. Three presentations:
40. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Cowbelles Veterinary Meeting. Verona, NY. Dec. 13-14, 2018.
41. S. Godden, K. Patel, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker, and L. Fox. Relationships between bedding bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and udder health. Cowbelles Veterinary Meeting. Verona, NY. Dec. 13-14, 2018.
42. S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, and K. Patel. Interested in selective dry cow therapy? Here’s what we know so far. Cowbelles Veterinary Meeting. Verona, NY. Dec. 13-14, 2018.
43. S. Godden. Colostrum management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 51st Annu. Meeting of the AABP. , Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 13-15, 2018
44. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 51st Annu. Meeting of the AABP. , Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 13-15, 2018
45. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 51st Annu. Meeting of the AABP. , Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 13-15, 2018
46. Apley, M.D., S.M. Godden, K.J. Hope, and N.F. Schrag*. Antimicrobial use monitoring: A useful tool, or a disciplinary stick? 51st Annu. Meeting of the AABP. , Phoenix, AZ, Sept. 13-15, 2018
47. S. Godden, K. Patel, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker and L. Fox. Keynote address. Relationships between bedding bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and udder health: We have a lot more to learn. 2018 International Bovine Mastitis Conference. Milano, Italy. June 11-13, 2018.
48. S. Godden, K. Patel, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker and L. Fox. Relationships between bedding bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and udder health. National Mastitis Council Regional Meeting. Guelph Ont. Canada. June 20-22, 2018. Pp. 18-27.
49. S. Godden. Maximizing Calf Health and Performance I: It Starts with Management of the Pregnant Cow. 121st Annu MVMA Mtg. Feb. 15-17, 2018. Rochester, MN
50. S. Godden. Maximizing Calf Health and Performance II: Advances in Colostrum Management 121st Annu MVMA Mtg. Feb. 15-17, 2018. Rochester, MN
51. S. Godden. Using rapid culture systems to guide strategic treatment decisions for clinical mastitis.
Series of Apiam Animal Health Veterinary Meetings: \
Series of Apiam Animal Health Veterinary Meetings:
54. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems for calves. College Science Week Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. July 6-8, 2017
55. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for computer feeding and group housing of preweaned dairy calves. College Science Week Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. July 6-8, 2017.
56. S. Godden. Are your clients asking about selective dry cow therapy? Here’s what you need to know. MVMA Lunch and Learn Program. St. Paul, MN. June 13, 2017.
57. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. 4th Annual University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Xi’an, China. Nov. 13-15, 2017
58. S. Godden. Preconference seminar: Health management of the neonatal calf: Birth to weaning. 4th Annual University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Xi’an, China. Nov. 13-15, 2017.
59. S. Godden. President’s Report. Proc. Of the National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting. Jan. 28-31, 2017. St. Pete’s Beach, FL.
60. S. Godden. Colostrum management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 50th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 14-16, 2017. Omaha, NB.
61. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 50th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 14-16, 2017. Omaha, NB.
62. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 50th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 14-16, 2017. Omaha, NB
63. S. Godden. Advances in colostrum management. In Preconference seminar: Advances in dairy calf management – birth to weaning. MN Dairy Health Conference. April 11-3, 2017. St. Paul, MN.
64. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. In Preconference seminar: Advances in dairy calf management – birth to weaning. MN Dairy Health Conference. April 11-3, 2017. St. Paul, MN.
65. S. Godden. Topics in calf health management. Central Wisconsin Ag. Services Veterinary Group. 3/22/2017.
66. Godden. Preconference seminar: Calf management from birth to weaning. 3rd University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Yinchuan, China. Oct. 24-26, 2016.
67. S. Godden. Making pathogen-based mastitis treatment decisions on dairy farms. 3rd University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Yinchuan, China. Oct. 24-26, 2016
68. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. 3rd University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Yinchuan, China. Oct. 24-26, 2016.
69. S. Godden. Colostrum management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 49th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 15-17, 2016. Charlotte, NC.
70. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 49th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 15-17, 2016. Charlotte, NC.
71. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 49th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 15-17, 2016. Charlotte, NC.
72. Godden, S. Management of the Newborn Calf. 2016. Large Dairy Herd Management (LDHM) conference. May-14, 2016. Chicago, IL.
73. Godden, S., E. Royster, K. Patel&, and J. Timmerman. 2016. Selective dry cow therapy – We can do this! Proc. National Mastitis Council 2016 Regional Meeting. June 29-30, 2016.Appleton,WI.Pp.8-15.
74. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis control. 2016 Zoetis Transition Cow Management Workshop – ILT. Sept. 26-27, 2016. St. Peter, MN.
75. S. Godden. Update on colostrum management. Wild West Vet Conference. 10/13/2016. Reno, NV.
76. S. Godden. Management of pasteurized milk feeding systems. Wild West Vet Conference. 10/13/2016. Reno, NV.
77. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group-housed preweaned calves. Wild West Vet Conference. 10/13/2016. Reno, NV.
78. S. Godden. Selective treatment of clinical mastitis and selective dry cow therapy. Wild West Vet Conference. 10/13/2016. Reno, NV.
79. S. Godden, B. Stampfl, S. Wells, S. Sreevatsan, M. Cheeran, J. Stabel, and D. Haines. Heat-treating colostrum: Can we improve the protocol to better control Johne’s disease? Annu. Mtg. of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 18-20, 2016
80. Knauer, W.*&, S. Godden, A. Dietrich, and R.E. James. Can we use day level feeding behaviors to predict disease in group housed pre-weaned dairy calves? Annu. Mtg. of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 18-20, 2016
81. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. B.I. 2016 Dairy Summit. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 11-12, 2016.
82. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of pre-weaned dairy calves. B.I. 2016 Dairy Summit. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 11-12, 2016.
83. S. Godden. Pros, cons and bst management practices for group housing of pre-weaned dairy calves. B.I. 2016 National Dairy Summit. Bonita Springs, FL April 15-16, 2016.
84. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. B.I. 2016 National Dairy Summit. Bonita Springs, FL April 15-16, 2016.
85. S. Godden. Calving management. Dairy Heifer Management Program. Crianza de Terneros y Vaquillas de Reemplazo en Ganado Bovino Lechero. March 3-4, 2016. University of Santiago. Santiago, Chile.
86. S. Godden. Newborn calf management, colostrum and colostrum replacers. Dairy Heifer Management Program. Crianza de Terneros y Vaquillas de Reemplazo en Ganado Bovino Lechero. March 3-4, 2016. University of Santiago. Santiago, Chile.
87. S. Godden. Health management and nutrition of the calf from birth to weaning. Milk substitutes and pasteurized milk feeding systems. Dairy Heifer Management Program. Crianza de Terneros y Vaquillas de Reemplazo en Ganado Bovino Lechero. March 3-4, 2016. University of Santiago. Santiago, Chile.
88. S. Godden. Digestive and respiratory disease – Management and prevention. Dairy Heifer Management Program. Crianza de Terneros y Vaquillas de Reemplazo en Ganado Bovino Lechero. March 3-4, 2016. University of Santiago. Santiago, Chile.
89. S. Godden. Update on colostrum management. WCABP 2016 Conference – Best of the Best. Jan. 14-16, 2016. Calgary, AB.
90. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. WCABP 2016 Conference – Best of the Best. Jan. 14-16, 2016. Calgary, AB.
91. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. WCABP 2016 Conference – Best of the Best. Jan. 14-16, 2016. Calgary, AB.
92. S. Godden. Maintaining calf wellbeing from birth to weaning. Annu. Meeting of the Atlantic Assoc. of Bovine Practitioners. Nov. 20-21, 2015. Moncton, NB, Canada.
93. S. Godden. Overview of calf management. 2015 Zoetis Brazil Technical Services Training. Sept. 20-25, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
94. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems. 2015 Zoetis Brazil Technical Services Training. Sept. 20-25, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
95. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis control. 2015 Zoetis Brazil Technical Services Training. Sept. 20-25, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
96. S. Godden. Update on colostrum management. Annu. Mtg. of the WI VMA. Oct. 8-11, 2015. Madison, WI.
97. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Annu. Mtg. of the WI VMA. Oct. 8-11, 2015. Madison, WI.
98. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Annu. Mtg. of the WI VMA. Oct. 8-11, 2015. Madison, WI.
99. S. Godden. Update on colostrum management. Annu. Mtg. of the South Dakota VMA. Aug. 9-12, 2015. Sioux Falls, SD.
100. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Annu. Mtg. of the South Dakota VMA. Aug. 9-12, 2015. Sioux Falls, SD.
101. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Annu. Mtg. of the South Dakota VMA. Aug. 9-12, 2015. Sioux Falls, SD.
102. S. Godden. Colostrum management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 48th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 17-19, 2015. New Orleans, LA.
103. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 48th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 17-19, 2015. New Orleans, LA.
104. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 48th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 17-19, 2015. New Orleans, LA.
105. S. Godden. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on risk for infection with Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis, milk production and longevity in Holstein dairy cows. 48th Annu. Meeting of the AABP. Sept. 17-19, 2015. New Orleans, LA.
106. S. Godden. Overview of calf management. 2015 Zoetis CLAR Technical Services Training. April 12-17, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
107. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems. 2015 Zoetis CLAR Technical Services Training. April 12-17, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
108. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis control. 2015 Zoetis CLAR Technical Services Training. April 12-17, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
109. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis control. QMAX Veterinarian Training Meeting. April 12-17, 2015. St. Peter, MN.
110. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Annu. Meeting of the MN Dairy Health Conference. May 6-8, 2015. Bloomington, MN.
111. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Annu. Meet of the Ontario Assoc. of Bov. Pract. April 8-9, 2015. Guelph, Ont. Canada.
112. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Annu. Meet of the Ontario Assoc. of Bov. Pract. April 8-9, 2015. Guelph, Ont. Canada.
113. S. Godden. Advances in colostrum management. 2015 Virginia State Feed Association and Nutritional Management “Cow†College. Feb. 18-20, 2015. Roanoke, VA.
114. S. Godden. Bedding culture results: How do these numbers relate to udder health? Annu. Mtg. Mastitis Research Workers. Feb. 4-5, 2015. Memphis, TN.
115. S. Godden. Update on Colostrum Management. Michigan Veterinary Conference. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. Lansing, MI.
116. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Michigan Veterinary Conference. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. Lansing, MI.
117. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Michigan Veterinary Conference. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. Lansing, MI.
118. S. Godden. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis. Michigan Veterinary Conference. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2015. Lansing, MI
119. S. Godden. Heifer International: Working to end hunger and poverty in Kenya and Nepal. UMN Department of Animal Science Seminar Series. 12/8/2014.
120. S, Godden. Colostrum management: Best practices and latest advances (gave talk twice). MN Dairy Conference and Expo. 12/04/2014. St. Cloud, MN.
121. S. Godden. New trends in preweaned calf management. University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Nov. 3-4, 2014. Beijing, China.
122. S. Godden. Exploring causes and control strategies of mastitis. University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. Nov. 3-4, 2014. Beijing, China.
123. S. Godden. Colostrum Management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 47th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 16-17, 2014. Albuquerque, NM.
124. S. Godden. Considerations in feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk to dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 47th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 16-17, 2014. Albuquerque, NM.
125. S. Godden. Computer feeders and group housing for preweaned dairy calves: What have we learned?. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 47th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 16-17, 2014. Albuquerque, NM.
126. S. Godden. What’s new in colostrum management? Merck 2014 Calf and Heifer Management Conference. May 6-7, 2014. Montebello, Quebec.
127. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk feeding systems. Merck 2014 Calf and Heifer Management Conference. May 6-7, 2014. Montebello, Quebec.
128. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of pre-weaned dairy calves. Merck 2014 Calf and Heifer Management Conference. May 6-7, 2014. Montebello, Quebec.
129. S. Godden. MALDI-ToF: Implications for mastitis service and research activities. Annu. Mtg of the Mastitis Research Workers Conference / NE-1048. Ghent, Belgium. Aug. 7-8, 2014.
130. S. Godden, E. Royster and J. Timmerman. Using on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment decisions for clinical mastitis. Short Course. National Mastitis Council Regional Meeting. Ghent, Belgium. Aug. 4-6, 2014.
131. S. Godden. Update on Colostrum Management. MN Dairy Health Conference. May 20-22, 2014. Minneapolis, MN
132. S. Godden. Group housing of preweaned calves: Pros, cons and best management practices. 117th Annu. Meet. MN VMA. Feb. 6-8, 2014. Minneapolis, MN.
133. S. Godden, E. Royster and J. Timmerman. Using on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment decisions for clinical mastitis. Short Course #10. National Mastitis Council 53rd Annu Meeting. Jan. 26-28, 2014. Fort Worth, TX.
134. Lago, A.*, S.M. Godden, P.L. Ruegg. 2014. Treat or not treat? Etiology-based treatment decisions for clinical mastitis.National Mastitis Council 53rd Annu Meeting. Jan. 26-28, 2014. Fort Worth, TX. Pg. 43-63.
135. Godden, S., E. Royster, J. Timmerman. Using on-farm culture systems to manage mastitis. Video of short course made available on NMC website: 10/2014
136. S. Godden. What’s new in colostrum management? 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
137. S. Godden. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis cases. 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
138. S. Godden. Update on dry cow mastitis prevention. 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
139. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk feeding systems. 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
140. S. Godden. Johne’s disease control: Updates from clinical trials. 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
141. S. Godden. Feeding and housing systems for preweaned dairy calves. 2013 Midwest Veterinary Conference. Feb. 21-24, 2013. Columbus, OH.
142. S. Wells, S. Godden. Control of Johne’s disease in dairy herds. MN Board of Animal Health Meeting. St. Paul, MN. May 21, 2013.
143. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis management. Q-Max Veterinarian Training – Quality Milk and Mastitis Module. St. Peter, MN. June 3, 2013.
144. S. Godden. Colostrum management. Annu. AVMA Mtg. Chicago, IL. July 20, 2013.
145. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing. Annu. AVMA Mtg. Chicago, IL. July 20, 2013.
146. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems. Annu. AVMA Mtg. Chicago, IL. July 20, 2013.
147. S. Godden. Update on dry cow mastitis prevention. Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
148. S. Godden. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis cases. Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
149. S. Godden. Johne’s disease control: Updates from clinical trials. Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
150. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
151. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk feeding systems. Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
152. S. Godden. What’s new in colostrum management? Proc. PAVMA 7th Keystone Veterinary Conference. Hershey, PA. Aug. 15-18, 2013.
153. S. Godden. Evaluation and use of colostrum replacers and heat-treating colostrum. Proc. Annu. WVMA Annual Conference. Oct. 10-13, 2013. Madison, WI.
154. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk feeding systems. Proc. Annu. WVMA Annual Conference. Oct. 10-13, 2013. Madison, WI.
155. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. Proc. Annu. WVMA Annual Conference. Oct. 10-13, 2013. Madison, WI.
156. S. Godden. Colostrum Management for the dairy calf. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 46th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 17-21, 2013. Milwaukee, WI.
157. S. Godden. Considerations in feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk to dairy calves. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 46th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 17-21, 2013. Milwaukee, WI.
158. S. Godden. Computer feeders and group housing for preweaned dairy calves: What have we learned?. Preconference seminar: The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 46th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 17-21, 2013. Milwaukee, WI.
159. S. Godden. Pros, cons and best management practices for computer feeders and group housing of preweaned dairy calves: Clinical forum. 46th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 17-21, 2013. Milwaukee, WI.
160. S. Godden. Calf care from birth to weaning. Zinpro Dairy Producer Tour. Menomonie, WI. Nov. 11, 2013.
161. S. Godden. Calf care from birth to weaning. Midwest Dairy Conference. St. Cloud, MN. Dec. 3, 2013.
162. S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman. 2013. Using On-Farm culture systems to manage clinical mastitis. ½ day short course. Midwest Dairy Conference. St. Cloud, MN. Dec. 4, 2013.
163. S. Godden. Calf care from birth to weaning. Zinpro Japanese veterinarian Visit. Eden Prairie, MN. Nov. 6, 2013.
164. S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman. 2013. Using On-Farm culture systems to manage clinical mastitis. 1-day preconference seminar. MN Dairy Health Conference. St. Peter, MN May 21, 2013.
165. S. Godden. 2013. Invited speaker. Effects of heat-treating colostrum on colostrum characteristics and calf health. ADSA 25th Discover Conference: New Developments in Immunity, Nutrition and Management of the Preruminant Calf. May 28-31, 2013. Itasca, IL.
166. S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis: 3 hr short course. Annu. Mtg. NMC. Jan. 20-23, 2013. San Diego, CA.
167. S. Godden. Effect of feeding heat-treated colostrum on calf health and MAP transmission. JDIP Scientific Advisory Board monthly meeting. Oct. 17, 2012.
168. S. Godden. Feeding heat-treated colostrum reduces morbidity in preweaned dairy calves. 45th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 20-22., 2012 Montreal, QC.
169. S. Godden. Effect of heat-treatment on nutritional and immune factors in bovine colostrum. 45th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 20-22., 2012 Montreal, QC.
170. S. Godden.Feeding heat-treated colostrum reduces morbidity in preweaned dairy calves. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Conference. May 23-24, 2012. Minneapolis, MN.
171. S. Godden.Effect of heat-treatment on nutritional and immune factors in bovine colostrum. Annu. Mtg. MN Dairy Health Conference. May 23-24, 2012. Minneapolis, MN.
172. S. Godden, S. Wells*, I. Gardner, J. Fetrow, J. Stabel, L. Espejo, B. Knust, E. Patton. 2012. Evaluation of critical control points in dairy herd management to reduce transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis – Results from controlled clinical trials, Paratuberculosis Forum, International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Sydney, Australia, Feb. 2012.
173. Espejo L. A.*, Godden S, HartmannW. L., Wells S. J. 2012. Reduction in incidence of paratuberculosis infection in Minnesota
Johne’s disease demonstration dairy herds. International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Sydney, Australia, February 2012.
174. Wells SJ*, Kubat N, Espejo LA, and Godden SM. 2012. Effect of delaying exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis until adulthood on incidence of infection in adult dairy cows. International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis, Sydney, Australia, February 2012.
175. Godden, S. 2012. Control of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis on dairy operations. Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Veterinary Conference: Optimizando la Vida Productiva de una Vaca. Nov. 20, 2012. Santiago, Chile.
176. S. Godden.Raising healthy calves – Your future herd profit center (3 hours). Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Veterinary Conference Nov. 20, 2012. Santiago, Chile.
177. S. Godden.Raising healthy calves – Your future herd profit center. Zinpro Japanese Veterinary Tour. Oct. 8, 2012. St. Paul, MN.
178. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. In: Pfizer QMAX Program. July 25, 2012. St. Peter, MN.
179. S. Godden. Colostrum Management for the Dairy Calf. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 45th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 20-22, 2012. Montreal, QC.
180. S. Godden. Considerations in Feeding Pasteurized Non-Saleable Milk to Dairy Calves. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 45th Annu. Mtg. AABP. Sept. 20-22, 2012. Montreal, QC.
181. S. Godden. On-Farm cultures systems for diagnosis and strategic treatment of clinical mastitis cases. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Reunion. University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario. May. 29-31, 2012.
182. S. Godden. The 5 Q’s of colostrum management: So, what is new? Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Reunion. University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario. May. 29-31, 2012.
183. S. Godden. Control of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis on dairy operations. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Reunion. University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario. May. 29-31, 2012.
184. S. Godden. Dry cow mastitis prevention. University of Nairobi Veterinary College. May 3, 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.
185. S. Godden. The 5 Q’s of colostrum management: So, what is new? Vermont VMA Winter Meeting. Burlington, VT. Feb. 12, 2012.
186. S. Godden. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Vermont VMA Winter Meeting. Burlington, VT. Feb. 12, 2012.
187. S. Godden. On-farm culture systems for diagnosis and strategic treatment of clinical mastitis. Vermont VMA Winter Meeting. Burlington, VT. Feb. 12, 2012
188. S. Godden. Colostral bacteria counts are associated with impaired calf health, and this is how… Mastitis Research Workers Meeting. Chicago, IL. Nov. 1-3, 2011
189. S. Godden. Use of teat sealants and other strategies to prevent intramammary infections during the dry period. Q-Max Veterinarian Training Program – Quality Milk and Mastitis Module. St. Peter, MN. Mar. 14-16, 2011. Aug. 7, 2011.
190. S. Godden. Factors associated with antimicrobial resistance patterns in fecal Escherichia coli from Minnesota dairy calves from birth to four months of age. Annu. Mtg. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 17-19, 2011. Bloomington, MN.
191. S. Godden. Godden, S. Avoiding pitfalls in feeding pasteurized waste milk to calves. Proc. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference. April 19-20, 2011. Fort Wayne, IN. Pg. 97-110.
192. S. Godden. Godden, S. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Proc. 20th Annu. Northeast Dairy Production Medicine Symposium. March 25-27, 2011. Syracuse, NY. Pg. 50-60.
193. S. Godden. Controlling microbial risks associated with feeding colostrum. Proc. 20th Annu. Northeast Dairy Production Medicine Symposium. March 25-27, 2011. Syracuse, NY. Pg. 61-69.
194. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 44th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 22-24, 2011. St. Louis, MO.
195. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 44th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 22-24, 2011. St. Louis, MO.
196. S. Godden. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Clinical Forum. 44th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 22-24, 2011. St. Louis, MO.
197. S. Godden. Management practices to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission associated with feeding colostrum. 1er Simposium Internacional Biotecnologia Veterinaria. Guadalajara, Mexico. Dec. 9, 2011.
198. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Western Veterinary Conference. 2/23/2011.Las Vegas, NV.
199. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Western Veterinary Conference. 2/23/2011.Las Vegas, NV.
200. S. Godden. Johne’s control programs. Western Veterinary Conference. 2/23/2011.Las Vegas, NV.
201. S. Godden. On-farm culture systems and their potential role in mastitis control. Western Veterinary Conference. 2/23/2011.Las Vegas, NV.
202. S. Godden. Emerging issues on Minnesota dairies. CVM Caffeinated Conversations meeting. St. Paul, MN. Oct. 21, 2010.
203. S. Godden. CVM Dairy Research Update. Vita Plus Meeting. St. Paul, MN June 10, 2010.
204. S. Godden. Prevalence of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in bulk tank milk from Minnesota dairy herds – A pilot study. Mastitis Research Workers Mtg. Nov. 3-5, 2010. Atlanta, GA.
205. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Proc. Preconference Seminar: Calf Management. At Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 19, 2009.
206. Godden, S. The 5 Q’s of colostrum management: So what is new? Proc. Ontario Dairy and Veal Healthy Calf Conference. Stratford, Ont. Canada. Dec. 8, 2010.
207. Carrier, J.*, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, P. Rapnicki. Subclinical ketosis: To treat or not to treat? Proc. ADSA Discover Conference. The Transition Cow: Biology and Management. Sept. 20-23, 2010. Champagne, IL.
208. Godden, S. 2010. Your future herd profit centre = your calves. British Columbia Dairy Expo. Vancouver, BC. January 28, 2010.
209. S. Godden.The 5 Q’s of colostrum management: So, what is new? Digal Dairy Conference. Delicias, Chih, Mexico. Sept. 9-11, 2010.
210. S. Godden.Strategies to prevent intramammary infection during the dry period. Digal Dairy Conference. Delicias, Chih, Mexico. Sept. 9-11, 2010.
211. S. Godden.Colostrum management for dairy calves. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 43rd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Aug, 2010. Albuquerque, NM.
212. S. Godden.Pasteurized milk: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 43rd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Aug. 2010. Albuquerque, NM.
213. S.Godden.Colostrum management: Review of the basic principles. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation Educational Seminar. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Aug. 5, 2010; Toledo, OH. Sept. 23, 2010; Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 17, 2010.
214. S. Godden.Diagnostics: On-farm culture systems for diagnosis of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation Educational Seminar. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Aug. 5, 2010; Toledo, OH. Sept. 23, 2010; Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 17, 2010.
215. S. Godden.Colostrum management: Review of the basic principles. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation Educational Seminar. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Aug. 5, 2010.
216. S. Godden.Diagnostics: On-farm culture systems for diagnosis of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Corporation Educational Seminar. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Aug. 5, 2010
217. S. Godden.Colostrum management for dairy calves. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 42nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 10-12, 2009. Omaha, NB.
218. S. Godden.Pasteurized milk: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 42nd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 10-12, 2009. Omaha, NB.
219. S. Godden. University of Minnesota Johne’s Disease Clinical Trials Update. Meeting of the Minnesota Board of Animal Health Advisory Committee on Johne’s Disease. St. Cloud, MN.
July 30, 2009.
220. S. Godden. Advances in colostrum management. South Branch Symposium. Annu mtg of ADSA. Montreal, Qc. July 13-16, 2009.
221. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Management Certificate Program. Vina del Mar, Chile. March 11, 2009.
222. S. Godden. Management to reduce microbial risks associated with feeding colostrum. Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Management Certificate Program. Vina del Mar, Chile. March 11, 2009.
223. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Management Certificate Program. Vina del Mar, Chile. March 11, 2009.
224. S. Godden. Use of teat sealants and other management strategies to prevent intramammary infections during the dry period. Universidad Santo Tomas Dairy Management Certificate Program. Vina del Mar, Chile. March 10, 2009.
225. S. Godden. Microbial risks associated with feeding colostrum to calves. Annu. Mtg. Southwest Nutrition and Management Conference. Tempe, AZ. Feb. 26-27, 2009.
226. S. Godden. Calf health management investigation. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 24-26.
227. S. Godden. Pros, cons and management tips for pasteurized milk feeding systems. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 19-23.
228. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 11-18.
229. Godden, S Dry cow and fresh cow management in mastitis prevention. Q-MAX Veterinarian Training. Quality Milk and Mastitis Module 2. New Sweden Dairy. New Sweden, MN. Sept. 23, 2009; New Sweden, MN. Oct. 14, 2009
230. Godden, S Using on-farm mastitis cultures to drive therapy decisions. Q-MAX Veterinarian Training. Quality Milk and Mastitis Module 2. New Sweden Dairy. New Sweden, MN. Sept. 23, 2009; New Sweden, MN. Oct. 14, 2009
231. Godden, S. Metabolic diseases of ruminants – ketosis and fatty liver. Pfizer TCRA Module. New Sweden Dairy. New Sweden, MN. Aug. 20, 2009.
232. Godden, S. 2009. Controlling transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis and other microbial hazards associated with feeding colostrum. In Proc. The 10th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Minneapolis, MN. Aug. 9-14, 2009. pg. 24-29.
233. Godden, S. 2009. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Proc. Preconference Seminar: Calf Management. At Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 19, 2009. Pg. 1-18.
234. Ruegg, P., S. Godden, A. Lago, R. Bey, and K. Leslie. 2009. On farm culturing for better milk quality. In Proc. Western Dairy Management Conference. Mar 11-13, 2009. pg. 149-159.
235. Godden, S. 2009. Microbial risks associated with feeding colostrum to calves. Annu. Mtg. Southwest Nutrition and Management Conference. Tempe, AZ. Feb. 26-27, 2009.
236. Godden, S. 2009. Calf health management investigation. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 24-26.
237. Godden, S. 2009. Pros, cons and management tips for pasteurized milk feeding systems. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 19-23.
238. Godden, S. 2009. Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2009 Annu. Mtg. North American Vet Conference. Orlando, FL. Jan. 17-21, 2009. CD pg. 11-18.
239. S. Godden.Feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk did not increase the risk for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in adult dairy cows. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 252.
240. S. Godden.The effect of plasma-derived colostrum replacer feeding programs for prevention of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in dairy calves. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 251.
241. S. Godden.Effect of two bedding conditioners on bacteria counts and pH in shavings, digested manure solids and recycled sand bedding. Proc. 41st Annu Meet AABP. Charlotte, NC. Sept. 25-27, 2008. pg. 223
242. Godden, S. 2008. Pasteurizing Milk and Colostrum: Capturing the Benefits and Avoiding the Pitfalls. Midwest Dairy Expo. St. Cloud, MN Nov. 8, 2008. pg. 41-50.
243. Godden, S. 2008. University of Minnesota, College of Veterinary Medicine Dairy Research Update. Midwest Dairy Expo. St. Cloud, MN Nov. 8, 2008. pg. 15-26.
244. Godden, S. 2008. Colostrum management. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008
245. Godden, S. 2008. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008.
246. Godden, S. 2008. Mycoplasma control in dairy calves. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008.
247. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, J. Fetrow, S. Wells. 2008. Is feeding pasteurized waste milk a risk factor for transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis? Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May St. Paul, MN. 20-22, 2008. pg. 105-107.
248. Lago, A.*, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell. 2008. Effect of using an on-farm culture based treatment system on antibiotic use and bacteriological cure for clinical mastitis. Annu Mtg Minnesota
Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 86-88.
249. Konkol, K.*, S. Godden, and D. Haines. 2008. The effect of method of colostrum feeding (bottle vs tube) on passive transfer of IgG in newborn dairy calves. Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 95-96.
250. Peterson, J.* and S. Godden. 2008. Relationship between bacteria levels in colostrum and efficiency of absorption of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 97-99.
251. Donahue, M.*, S. Godden, R. Bey, S. Wells, J. Fetrow and J. Stabel. 2008. Effect of feeding raw versus heat-treated colostrum on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 100-101.
252. Pithua, P.*, S. Godden, and S. Wells. 2008. The effect of plasma-derived colostrum replacer fedding programs for prevention of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis in dairy calves. Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 103.
253. Kuechle, B.*, S. Godden, and R. Bey. 2008. Effect of two bedding conditioners on bacteria counts and pH in shavings, digested manure solids and recycled sand bedding. Annu Mtg Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2008. pg. 89-93.
254. Pithua, P.*, S.M. Godden, S.J. Wells. 2008. The risk of Johne’s disease infection in calves fed a commercial colostrum replacer versus maternal bovine colostrum at birth-preliminary findings. Proceedings of JDIP 4th Annual Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MIApril 18-20th. Pp 20.
255. Godden, S. 2008. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Joint mtg. Ontario Agri-Business Association and Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners. Guelph, Ontario. April 10, 2008. pg. 71-83.
256. Godden, S. 2008. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum. Joint mtg. Ontario Agri-Business Association and Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners. Guelph, Ontario. April 10, 2008. pg. 16-37.
257. Godden, S. 2008. Pasteurizing Milk and Colostrum. Annu Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. Rochester, MN. April 1-3, 2008.
258. Godden, S. 2008. Calf care – Birth to weaning. Annu. Meet of the Minnesota Veterinary Medicine Association. Minneapolis, MN. Feb. 8, 2008.
259. Lago, A.*, S. Godden, R. Bey, P. Ruegg, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell. 2008. Effect of using an on-farm culture based treatment system on antibiotic use and bacteriological cure for clinical mastitis. In Proc. Annu. Meet. National Mastitis Council. New Orleans, Louisiana. Jan. 20-23, 2008. Pg. 164-165.
260. S. Godden.Microbial Risks Associated with Feeding Colostrum. 2008. 15TH ADSA Discover Conference – Biology of the Calf. Nov. 16-19, 2008. Roanoke, VA.
261. S. Godden. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum. 2008. Pfizer Producer Meetings. Puget Sound, WA Producer Meeting; Mount Baker, WA Veterinary Producer Meeting. Oct. 20, 2008.
262. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2008. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 41st Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 22-27, 2008. Charlotte, NC.
263. S. Godden. Considerations in feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk or colostrum to dairy calves. 2008. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 41st Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 22-27, 2008. Charlotte, NC.
264. S. Godden. Use of on-farm culture systems in mastitis control programs. Coordinator and Chair: Preconference Seminar. Regional Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Green Bay, WI. Aug. 12-13, 2008.
265. S. Godden. Colostrum management. 2008. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008.
266. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. 2008. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008.
267. S. Godden. Mycoplasma control in dairy calves. 2008. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Update Meeting. Guelph, Ontario. May 27-29, 2008.
268. S. Godden. Pasteurized milk feeding systems: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Pfizer Leaders Edge Program (LEAP). Teleconference presentation.- from St. Paul, MN. May 15, 2008 – from St. Paul, MN. May 20, 2008
269. S. Godden*. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Joint mtg. Ontario Agri-Business Association and Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners. Guelph, Ontario. April 10, 2008. pg. 71-83.
270. S. Godden. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum. Joint mtg. Ontario Agri-Business Association and Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners. Guelph, Ontario. April 10, 2008. pg. 16-37.
271. S. Godden. Biosecurity (infectious disease control) for dairy herds. Controle de doencas infecciosas em rebanhos leiteiros. XII Curso Novos Enfoques na Produçăo e Reproduçăo de Bovinos. Uberlăndia – Minas Gerais, Brazil. March. 6-7, 2008.
272. S. Godden.Use of teat sealants to prevent new intramammary infections during the dry period. Uso de selantes internos para tetos na prevencao de novas infeccoes no periodo seco. XII Curso Novos Enfoques na Produçăo e Reproduçăo de Bovinos. Uberlăndia – Minas Gerais, Brazil. March. 6-7, 2008.
273. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Manejo de colostro para bezerros. XII Curso Novos Enfoques na Produçăo e Reproduçăo de Bovinos. Uberlăndia – Minas Gerais, Brazil. March. 6-7, 2008.
274. S. Godden. Calf care – Birth to weaning. 2008. Annu. Meet of the Minnesota Veterinary Medicine Association. Minneapolis, MN. Feb. 8, 2008.
275. S. Godden. Do bedding conditioners work? Preliminary results from a Minnesota field study. NE-1028 Mastitis Research Workers Meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 7-9, 2007.
276. S. Godden. Effect of feeding one or two doses of a colostrum-derived commercial colostrum replacer on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 20-22, 2007. Vancouver, British Columbia.
277. S. Godden. Overview of calf nutrition and its impact on health. Dairy University. Intervet and U of MN CVM. July 16-20, 2007. Emerald, WI.
278. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Dairy University. Intervet and U of MN CVM. July 16-20, 2007. Emerald, WI.
279. S. Godden. Update on research areas in dairy production medicine. VitaPlus – Animal Science Joint Meeting. St. Paul, MN. July 26, 2007.
280. S. Godden. Results of recent colostrum management projects at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 16-17, 2007.
281. Godden, S. 2007. NE-1028 Multistate Research Project – Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety – University of Minnesota 2007 Annual Report. Submitted Nov. 9, 2007.
282. J. Carrier,* S. Godden, J. Fetrow, P. Rapnicki and M. Endres. 2007. Calving behavior and impact on calf survival. Eight Annual Fall Dairy Conference, Liverpool, NY, November 15-16, pp. 15-20.
283. Godden, S. 2007. Colostrum management for dairy calves. In Proc. Calf Management Conference. Steinkjer, Norway. June 20-22, 2007. Pg. 7-14.
284. Godden, S., A. Lago, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Use of on-farm culture systems in mastitis control programs. Mastitis and Milk Quality – NMC Regional Meeting. May 22-23, 2007. Visalia, CA. Pg. 1-9.
285. Bey, R., S. Godden, H. Lillegaard, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, J. Fetrow, R. Farnsworth. 2007. Improving cleanliness and shelf-life of refrigerated colostrum using heat-treatment and chemical preservatives. Minnesota
Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 16-17, 2007. Pg. 109.
286. Lago, A.*, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, R. Dingwell. 2007. Prevalence, etiology and self cure rates of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. MinnesotaDairy Health Conference. St. Paul
, MN. May 16-17, 2007. Pg. 99-102.
287. Godden, S., D. Haines, R. Bey, H. Swan, J. Johson, A. Hazel, D. Hagman. 2007. Results of recent colostrum management projects at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul
, MN. May 16-17, 2007. Pg. 111-115.
288. S. Godden.Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2007. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 40th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 18-19, 2007. Vancouver, B.C.
289. S. Godden. Considerations in feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk or colostrum to dairy calves. 2007. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 40th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 18-19, 2007. Vancouver, B.C.
290. S. Godden. Selecting for success at the University of Minnesota: Behavioral competency interviews and the VetFast program. Faculty Representative, Food Animal Educator, and Extension Veterinarian’s Breakfast Meeting. AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 21, 2007. Vancouver, B.C.
291. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. Calf Management Conference. Steinkjer, Norway. June 20-22, 2007. 1 hr presentation June 21. 1 hr presentation on June 22.
292. S. Godden.Use of on-farm culture systems in mastitis control programs. Mastitis and Milk Quality – NMC Regional Meeting. May 22-23, 2007. Visalia, CA.
293. S. Godden. Ability of bedding materials to support growth of environmental mastitis pathogens. NE-1009 Mastitis Research Workers Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 8-10, 2006.
294. S. Godden. Passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in dairy calves fed heat-treated colostrum. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 18, 2006.
295. S. Godden. Effects of feeding heat-treated colostrum on passive transfer in dairy calves. 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association. July 9-13, 2006. Minneapolis, MN.
296. S. Godden. Colostrum management. VMDA Reunion Meeting. June 22, 2006. Baldwin, WI.
297. Godden, S., K. Leslie, R. Dingwell, C. Sanford. 2006. Mastitis control and the dry period: what have we learned?. In Proc. National Mastitis Council Regional Conference. Charlottetown, P.E.I. Aug. 9-10, 2006. pg. 56-70.
298. Godden, S. 2006. Pasteurizing non-saleable milk and colostrum. 2006. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 39th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. St. Paul, MN. Sept. 19-20, 2006.
299. Godden, S. Feeding heat-treated colostrum to dairy calves. 2006. International Workshop on Calf Care. Harrison Hot Springs. B.C., Canada. Sept. 14, 2006. pg. 4-5.
300. Hagman, D.*, S. Godden, J. Johnson, T. Ames, T. Molitor. 2006. Passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in dairy calves fed heat-treated colostrum. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 18, 2006. pg. 121-122.
301. Godden, S. 2006. Feeding calves heat-treated colostrum: Can this work on dairy farms? In. Proc. University of Minnesota Dairy Calf Workshop. Waseca, MN. April 5, 2006.
302. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, and S. Wells. 2006. Considerations in feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. In Proc. Northeast Ag. and Feed Alliance Conference. Syracuse, NY. Mar, 28. 2006. West Lebanon, NH. Mar. 30, 2006. pp. 2-17.
303. Godden, S. 2006. Feeding calves heat-treated colostrum: Can this work on dairy farms? In. Proc. 10th Annual Meeting of the Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. PDHGA. Visalia, CA. Mar. 21-24, 2006. pp. 277-279.
304. Godden, S. 2006. Calf health management. In Proc. 14th Annual
Carver County/ University of Minnesota Dairy Expo. Norwood, MN
. Feb. 20, 2006. Pg. 23-35.
305. Godden, S. 2006. Colostrum management in dairy calves. Proc. Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners. Calgary
, AB. Jan. 19-21, 2006.
306. Godden, S. 2006. Pasteurization of waste milk. Proc. Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners. Calgary, AB. Jan. 19-21, 2006.
307. S. Godden.Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2006. In: Seminar 10 – The Replacement Heifer from Birth to Calving. 39th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. St. Paul, MN. Sept. 19, 2006.
308. S. Godden. Minnesota studies of a commercial colostrum replacement product. 2006. American Protein Corporation (APC) Colostrum Replacer Research Meeting. Ankeny, IA. June 21, 2006.
309. S. Godden. Comparison of three different tests for determining antimicrobial susceptibility of mastitis pathogens. NE-1009 Mastitis Research Workers Annual Conference. Chicago, IL. Nov. 2-4, 2005.
310. Godden, S. J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, L. Green. 2005. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-sa
leable milk and colostrum. In Proc. 90th Annual Convention of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. Madison, WI. Oct. 13, 2005. Pg. 193-210.
311. Godden, S. J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, L. Green. 2005. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. In Proc. Seminar 10B: The replacement heifer from birth to calving. Part 2. Sept. 21, 2005. 38th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sept. 22-24, 2005.
312. Godden, S. R. Bey, K. Leslie, R. Dingwell, P. Ruegg, L. Timms, P. Rapnicki, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, R. Farnsworth. 2005. Ongoing study: Use of an on-farm culture system for the strategic treatment of clinical and subclinical intramammary infections. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 18-19, 2005. Pg. 102-104.
313. Carrier, J.*, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, M. Endres, and P. Mertens. 2005. Studies in dairy cow calving behaviour. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 18-19, 2005. Pg. 105-109.
314. R. Bey, S. Stewart, S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, J. Fetrow, R. Farnsworth, M. Scanlon, Y. Arnold, L. Clow, K. Mueller, and C. Ferrouillet. 2005. Controlling bacterial contamination and proliferation in fresh bovine colostrum. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 18-19, 2005. Pg. 99.
315. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, and L. Green. 2005. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. Proc. Calf Rearing Pre-conference seminar. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 17, 2005. Pg. 40-57. 316.
316. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, and L. Green. 2005. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. Dairy Calves and Heifers: Integrating Biology and Management. N.R.A.E.S. Syracuse, NY. Jan. 25-27, 2005. pg. 266-282.
317. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, and L. Green. 2005. Practical considerations in feeding pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. 7th Annual Intermountain Nutrition Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jan. 25-26, 2005. pg. 1-22.
318. Wells, S.J.*, and S.M. Godden. 2005. Is milk or feces more important in transmission of Map? Invited paper. Annu. Meet. of the North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, FL. January, 2005. pg. 55-56.
319. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2005. 90th Annual Convention of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. Madison, WI. Oct. 13, 2005.
320. S. Godden. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum. 2005. 90th Annual Convention of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. Madison, WI. Oct. 13, 2005
321. S. Godden. Colostrum management for dairy calves. 2005. In Proc. Seminar 10B: The replacement heifer from birth to calving. Part 2. Sept. 21, 2005. 38th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sept. 22-24, 2005.
322. S. Godden. Effect of a bedding conditioner on bacteria counts in shavings and sand bedding: A pilot study. Annu. Meet. NE-1009 Mastitis Research Workers Group. Chicago, IL. Nov. 16-19, 2004.
323. S. Godden. Preliminary results from a field study to investigate the relationship between colostrum quality and management and serum immunoglobulin concentrations in dairy calves. 37th Annual. Meet. of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Fort Worth, TX. Sept. 22-25, 2004.
324. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress. Quebec City, Quebec. July 11-16, 2004. pg. 162.
325. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, R. Bey, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, R. Farnsworth, N. Cook, C. Sanford, K. Leslie, and R. Dingwell. 2004. Strategies to prevent intramammary infections during the dry period. Cattle Symposium on Mastitis and BVD. At bundesverband praktizierender tierärzte e.v. – Kongress (Federal association of practicing veterinary surgeons – Congress). Nürnberg, Germany. Nov. 5, 2004.
326. Cady, R., S. Godden, S. Stewart. 2004. Timing of the culling event. In Proc. 8th Discover Conference on Food Animal Agriculture – A.D.S.A. Nashville, IN. Oct. 3-6, 2004.
327. Godden, S. 2004. Put a stop to dry and fresh cow mastitis. In Proc. National Mastitis Council Regional Meeting. Bloomington, MN. June 20-30, 2004. pg. 6-18.
328. Godden, S. 2004. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. In Proc. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 26-27, 2004.
329. Godden, S. 2004. Colostrum management. In Proc. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 26-27, 2004.
330. Godden, S. 2004. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. In Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 18-20, 2004. pg. 7-19.
331. Godden, S. 2004. Colostrum management. In Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 18-20, 2004. pg. 20-32.
332. Godden, S. 2004. Considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum as critical control points in Johne’s Disease control programs. In Proc. Fort Dodge Animal Health – Dairy Focus 2004. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 13, 2004.
333. Godden, S. 2004. Colostrum management. In Proc. Fort Dodge
Animal Health – Dairy Focus 2004. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 13, 2004
334. Godden, S. 2004. A review of considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum on dairy farms. In proc. University of Guelph
Dairy Management Certificate Program (Module 8). Guelph, Ontario. Jan. 20-22, 2004.
335. Godden, S. 2004. Colostrum management in dairy replacement heifers. In proc. University of Guelph Dairy Management Certificate Program (Module 8). Guelph, Ontario. Jan. 20-22, 2004.
336. S. Godden. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. In Proc. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 26-27, 2004.
337. S. Godden. Colostrum management. In Proc. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 26-27, 2004. 338. S. Godden. Considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum as critical control points in Johne’s Disease control programs. Fort Dodge Animal Health – Dairy Focus 2004. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 13, 2004.
339. S. Godden. Colostrum management. Fort Dodge Animal Health – Dairy Focus 2004. Wisconsin Dells, WI. May 13, 2004.
340. S. Godden. Health management for dairy calves. 2004 Ann. Meet. Midwestern Section of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal Science. Des Moines, IA. March 15-16, 2004.
341. S. Godden. Evaluation of the California Mastitis Test to determine intramammary infection status at dry off and after calving. Annual Meeting of the Mastitis Research Workers Conference. Chicago, IL. Nov. 5-6, 2003.
342. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association. Phoenix, AZ. June 22-26, 2003.
343. S. Godden. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 22, 2003.
344. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 22, 2003.
345. S. Godden.Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. University of Minnesota Production Animal Medicine Club. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN. Feb. 11, 2003.
346. Godden, S. 2003. Considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum as critical control points in Johne’s Disease control programs. In United States Animal Health Association Johne’s Disease Committee Final Report. San Diego, CA. Oct. 13, 2003. Pg. 3-4.
347. Fetrow, J.*, S. Stewart, S. Eicker, P. Rapnicki, S. Godden. 2003. Monitoring fresh cow programs. In Proc. Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference (CD format). Portland, OR. Oct. 7-9, 2003. Pg. 1-35.
348. Godden, S. 2003. Pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum on dairy farms. In Proc. Young Dairy Calf Management pre-conference seminar. 36th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Columbus, OH. Sept. 15-16, 2003.
349. Carrier, J.*, Stewart, S., Godden, S., Fetrow, J., and Rapnicki, P. 2003. Evaluation of three cow-side diagnostic tests for the detection of subclinical ketosis in fresh cows. In Proc. 4-State Applied Nutrition and Management Conference. La Crosse, WI. July 9-10, 2003.
350. Godden, S.M., Stewart, S.C., Cady, R., Eicker, S.W., Fetrow, J.F., Rapnicki, P., Weiland, W., and Spencer, H. 2003. The relationship between herd rbST-supplementation and other factors and risk for removal for cows in Minnesota Holstein dairy herds. In Proc. 4-State Applied Nutrition and Management Conference. La Crosse, WI. July 9-10, 2003.
351. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2003. An evaluation of OrbeSeal® teat seal for prevention of intramammary infections in dry cows. In Proc. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 28-29, 2003.
352. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, L. Green, S. Wells, and J. Fetrow. 2003. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. In Proc. Annu. Meet. of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2003. Pg. 49-61.
353. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. In Proc. Annu. Meet. of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 20-22, 2003. Pg. 75-97.
354. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. In Proc. 106th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Bloomington, MN. Feb. 6-8, 2003.
355. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. 2003. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. In Proc. 42nd Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Fort Worth, Texas. Jan. 26-29, 2003. Pg. 136 – 152.
356. S. Godden. Considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum as critical control points in Johne’s disease control programs. 107th Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association. San Diego, CA. Oct. 13, 2003.
357. S. Godden. Perspectives on the dynamics of culling: a review of Minnesota DHIA records. Monsanto Dairy Science Symposium. St. Louis, MO. Aug. 1-3, 2003.
358. S. Godden. Drying off and management of cows at the transition management facility. Annual Dairy Health Management Update Meeting. Guelph, Ont. May 28-29, 2003.
359. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections in the dry period and early lactation when used with an intramammary antibiotic. Monsanto Peak Performance Workshop Series. Emerald, WI. Feb. 16-17, Feb. 17-18, May 6-7, May 7-8, June 10-11, June 11-12, 2003.
360. S. Godden. A review of considerations in pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum on dairy farms. Monsanto Peak Performance Workshop Series. Emerald, WI. Emerald, WI. Feb. 16-17, Feb. 17-18, May 6-7, May 7-8, June 10-11, June 11-12, 2003.
361. S. Godden. Perspectives on the dynamics of culling: review of MN DHIA records. Monsanto Dairy Business Scientific Advisor Meeting. St. Louis, MO. April 15-16, 2003.
362. S. Godden. Perspectives on the dynamics of culling: review of MN DHIA records. Monsanto Dairy Business Associate Conference Call Series. St. Paul MN. Mar. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2003.
363. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. 106th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Feb. 8, 2003. Bloomington, MN (CD format).
364. S. Godden. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections in the dry period and early lactation when used with an intramammary antibiotic. Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Research Worker’s Group and NE-1009 Regional Mastitis Project. Chicago, Illinois. November 13-15, 2002.
365. S. Godden. Effect of pasteurization on Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus in waste milk and colostrum. 35th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Madison, WI. Sept. 26-28, 2002.
366. S. Godden. Effects of automatic take-off settings on individual cow milking duration and milk production. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 23, 2001.
367. S. Godden. Scientific and practical considerations when implementing on-farm pasteurization systems for waste milk and colostrum. 2002. University of Minnesota Production
Animal Medicine Club. St. Paul, MN. Apr. 5, 2002.
368. Wells S.J.*, S.M. Godden, C. Lindeman, and J. Collins. 2002. Use of bacterial culture of fecal pools to identify Johne’s disease infected herds. U.S.A.H.A. Annual Johne’s Committee Meeting. St. Louis, MO, October 2002.
369. Godden, S., T. Ames, and R. Frank. 2002. Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in adult dairy cows. In Proc. Wild West Veterinary Conference. Reno, Nevada. Oct. 9-13, 2002. Pg. 153-157.
370. Godden, S., and S. Wells. 2002. Developing Johne’s disease control programs for dairy farms. In Proc. Wild West Veterinary Conference. Reno, Nevada. Oct. 9-13, 2002. Pg. 153-157.
371. Wells S.J.*, S.M. Godden, R.H. Whitlock, and J. Collins. 2002. Interpretation of the ELISA for detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. Proc. 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Bilbao, Spain, June 2002. Pg. 406-407.
372. Raizman, E.*, S. Wells, S. Godden, and K. Petrini. 2002. Minnesota Johne’s Disease control program. Proc. 7th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Bilbao, Spain, June 2002. Pg. 511-512.
373. Godden, S., L. Green, J. Feirtag, S. Wells, and J. Fetrow. 2002. Scientific and practical considerations when implementing on-farm pasteurization systems for waste milk and colostrum. In Proc. Annu. Meet. of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 21-23, 2002. Pg. 81-92.
374. Stewart, S.*, S. Godden, S. Eicker, J. Fetrow, and P. Rapnicki. 2002. Culling patterns in lactation. In Proc. Monsanto Dairy Science Symposium. St. Louis, MO. Apr. 19-21, 2002. Pg. 54-70.
375. Godden, S., Bey, R., Reneau, J., Farnsworth, R, and LaValle, M. 2002. Field validation of a milk line sampling device for monitoring udder health and milk component data. In Proc. 41st Annu Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Orlando, FL. Feb. 3-6, 2002. Pg. 204-205.
376. S. Godden.Effectiveness of OrbeSeal® in the prevention of new intramammary infections in the dry period and early lactation when used with an intramammary antibiotic. Scientific Advancements for Practice Success. Pfizer Animal Health, Inc. Las Vegas, Nevada. Dec. 6, 2002.
377. S. Godden. Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in adult dairy cows. Wild West Veterinary Conference. Reno, Nevada. Oct. 9-13, 2002.
378. S. Godden. Developing Johne’s Disease control programs for dairy farms. Wild West Veterinary Conference. Reno, Nevada. Oct. 9-13, 2002.
379. S. Godden. Incidence of metabolic diseases of cattle in North America and Europe. Elanco Animal Health Symposium: Metabolic Diseases of Transition Dairy Cows. Greenfield, IN. June 25-26, 2002.
380. S. Godden. HACCP on Dairy Farms. Safety and Biosecurity in Food Production Systems – Dairy Module. St. Paul, MN. June 5-6, 2002.
381. S. Godden. Scientific and practical considerations when implementing on-farm pasteurization systems for waste milk and colostrum. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 21-23, 2002.
382. S. Godden. Monitoring energy status in transition cows. Transition Cow Peak Performance Workshop Series. Emerald, WI. March 21-22, April 9-11, June 11-13, 2002.
383. S. Godden. Development of the University of Minnesota transition cow management facility as a teaching and research unit. Conference for Researchers on Transition Cows. Guelph, Ontario. Canada. Feb. 21-22, 2002.
384. S. Godden. Scientific and practical considerations when implementing on-farm pasteurization systems for waste milk and colostrum. 105th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Bloomington, MN. Feb. 2, 2002.
385. S. Godden. Transition cow management – the key to profitable dairying. New Ulm Regional Veterinary Meeting. New Ulm, MN. Jan. 24, 2002.
386. S. Godden. A review of the pathophysiology, treatment and prevention of hypocalcemia in dairy cows. Monsanto – University of Minnesota: Dairy Production Medicine Workshop. St. Paul, MN. Feb. 22-23, 2001.
387. S. Godden. Godden, S. 2001. Clinical Trials Workshop – Field Trial Design. 2001. In Proc. ABS Global Technical Services Training Meeting – Technical Solutions for Today’s Dairies. DeForest, WI. Sept. 28, 2001.
388. Godden, S., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, D. Reid, A. Johnson, and S. Eicker. 2001. Effects of automatic take-off settings on individual cow milking duration and milk yield. In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sept. 13-15, 2001. Pg. 392-396.
389. Johnson, A.P.*, P. Rapnicki, R.F. Bey, R.J. Farnsworth, S.M. Godden, and S.C. Stewart. 2001. Standardized method to estimate potential for bacterial growth in bedding. In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sept. 13-15, 2001. Pg. 512-513.
390. Stewart, S.*, S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, and S. Eicker. 2001. Summary of early lactation DHIA somatic cell counts. In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sept. 13-15, 2001. Pg. 532-533.
391. Godden, S., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, D. Reid, A. Johnson, and S. Eicker. 2001. Effects of automatic take-off settings on individual cow milking duration and milk production. In Proc. Annual Minnesota
Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 22-24, 2001. Pg. 18-24.
392. Godden, S., R. Frank. and T. Ames. 2001. Jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in adult dairy cattle: a preliminary survey of Minnesota
dairy veterinarians. In Proc. 104th Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Bloomington, MN. Feb. 1, 2001. Pg. 77-84.
393. Rapnicki, P.*, S. Stewart, S. Godden, D. Reid, and A. Johnson. 2001. Findings of a pilot study to evaluate the effects of planned changes to automatic detacher settings. In Proc. N.R.A.E.S. Meeting: Milking Systems and Parlors: Planning and Managing for Quality Milk and Profitability. Camp Hill, PA. Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2001. Pg. 116-126.
394. S. Godden.Clinical trials workshop – field trial design. ABS Global Technical Services Training Meeting – Technical Solutions for Today’s Dairies. DeForest, WI. Sept. 28, 2001.
395. S. Godden. A review of the major enteric diseases of young dairy calves. Nutrena Calf College. St. Paul, MN. March 13, 2001.
396. S. Godden. Biosecurity principles for the control of Johne’s disease. Monsanto – University of Minnesota: Dairy Production Medicine Workshop. St. Paul, MN. Oct. 16, 2000.
397. S. Godden. An update on Johne’s research efforts at the University of Minnesota. Board of Animal Health Johne’s Interest Group Meeting for Veterinarians, Extension Agents, and Producers. St. Paul, MN. Sept. 26, 2000.
398. S. Godden. A review of test characteristics and other useful tidbits for the control of BVD and Johne’s disease. Dairy Production Medicine Workshop. St. Paul, MN. Aug. 24-25, 2000.
399. S. Godden. Analysis of Production using Dairy Comp 305. Dairy Comp 305 Advanced Mechanics Meeting I. St. Paul, MN. Feb. 24, 2000.
400. S. Godden. Analysis of Production using Dairy Comp 305. Dairy Comp 305 Beginner’s Meeting. St. Paul, MN. Feb. 22, 2000.
401. S. Godden. Evaluating a dairy’s data to make sound dairy management decisions. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Bloomington, MN. Feb. 4, 2000.
402. Buelow, K.*, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, and S. Godden. 2000. Case report – Integrating dairy nutrition, production and financial records. The Bovine Practitioner. 34(1):46-50.
403. Godden, S., S. Stewart, and P. Rapnicki. 2000. A review of test characteristics and other useful tidbits for the control of BVD and Johne’s disease. 2000. In Proc. Dairy Production Medicine Workshop. St. Paul, MN. Aug. 24-25, 2000.
404. Martin, S.W.*, K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, A. Vonk Noordegraaf, S. Godden, S., and V. Edge. 2000. The association between ration protein and the economic efficiency of milk production on Ontario dairy farms. In Proc. 9th International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics. Breckenridge, CO. August 6-11, 2000.
405. Godden, S., J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, C. Walhof, J. Pankowski, and J. Vicini. 2000. Post-surgical survival and performance of Mid-west dairy cows with left displaced abomasum. In Proc. Annual Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 23-25, 2000. Pg. 71.
406. Buelow, K.*, S. Godden, S. Stewart, and P. Rapnicki. 2000. Managing the high producing dairy cow for maximum production and minimum disease. In Proc. Annual Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 23-25, 2000. Pg. 51-58.
407. Buelow, K., S. Stewart, S. Godden, and P. Rapnicki. 2000. Feeding management and monitoring for dairy consul*tation. In Proc. Annual Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 23-25, 2000. Pg. 66-70.
408. Godden, S., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, K. Buelow, and J. Fetrow. 2000. Alternative strategies for improving heat detection in dairy herds. In Proc. Dairy Reproductive Management Workshop. Rochester, MN. Mar. 14, 2000.
409. Buelow, K.*, and S. Godden. 2000. Evaluating a dairy’s data to make sound dairy management decisions. In Proc. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. Bloomington, MN. Feb. 4, 2000.
410. S. Godden. A review of basic statistics for the practicing veterinarian. Monsanto Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary Consultant User Meetings. Woodbury, MN. June 11-12, 1999.
411. S. Godden. Analysis of Records of Production. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. St. Cloud, MN. Apr. 15, 1999.
412. S. Godden. Analysis of Records of Production. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. St. Paul, MN. Apr. 14, 1999.
413. S. Godden. Analysis of Records of Production. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. Rochester, MN. Apr. 13, 1999.
414. S. Godden. Use of reproductive records to improve performance. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. St. Cloud, MN. Mar. 4,1999.
415. S. Godden. Use of reproductive records to improve performance. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. St. Paul, MN. Mar. 3, 1999.
416. S. Godden. Use of reproductive records to improve performance. Dairy Comp 305 Veterinary User Meetings. Rochester, MN. Mar. 2, 1999.
417. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1999. Results of an observational study describing the relationship between milk urea concentrations and feeding management and performance in Ontario dairy herds. In Proc. 32nd Meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Nashville, TN. Sept. 1999. Pg. 196-197.
418. Godden, S. S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, K. Buelow, and D. Sockett. 1999. Biosecurity in Upper Midwest dairy herds. In Proc. Annual Minnesota
Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul, MN. May 27, 1999. Pg. 124-144.
419. Godden, S., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, and K. Buelow. 1999. The veterinarian’s role in managing reproductive programs. In Proc. Annual Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. May 26, 1999. College of Veterinary Medicine. University of Minnesota. St. Paul Campus. Pp 38-51.
420. Godden, S. 1999. Relationship of milk urea nitrogen (MUN) to production and reproduction. In Proc. 102nd Meeting of the Minnesota
Veterinary Medical Association. Feb. 4-6, 1999. Bloomington, MN. Pp. 25-33.
421. Evaluation of a milk urea nitrogen assay. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Annual Reunion. Guelph, ON. May 15-17, 1998.
422.Jansen, J.*, S. Godden, K.Leslie, N. Smart, and D. Kelton. 1998. The effects of sampling time and freezing on the recovery of Staphylococcus aureus from quarters with subclinical mastitis. In Proc. 37th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. January 25-28. 1998. St. Louis
, Missouri. Pg. 297-298.
423. S. Godden. An investigation into the effect of sampling time and feeding management on diurnal variation in milk urea nitrogen. 30th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Montreal, QC. Sept. 18, 1997.
424. S. Godden. Effect of sample type and handling on a milk urea nitrogen assay. Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association. Guelph, ON. June 22, 1997.
425. S. Godden. Effect of sample type and handling on a milk urea nitrogen assay. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Annual Reunion. Guelph, ON. May 28, 1997.
426. S. Godden. Evaluation of a milk urea nitrogen assay. Dairy Farmers of Ontario Seminar. Guelph, ON. May 15, 1997.
427. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1997. Milk urea nitrogen levels in the Ontario dairy herd and their potential impact. In Proc. Canadian Feed Industry Association – Eastern Nutrition Conference. May 7, 1997. Guelph, ON. Pg. 178-185.
428. S. Godden. Milk urea nitrogen – a review of the literature and a summary of current research. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program Annual Reunion. Guelph, ON. May 30, 1996.
429. Interpreting Milk urea nitrogen: more questions than answers. Annual Conference of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. Ottawa, ON. Jan. 3, 1996.
430. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1996. Preliminary results from a study evaluating the test characteristics of a milk urea nitrogen assay and the influence of factors related to sample collection and handling. In Proc. 29th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 1996. Sandiego, CA. Pg. 169 – 170.
431. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, K. Leslie, D. Kelton, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1996. Interpreting Milk urea nitrogen: more questions than answers. In Proc. Ontario Veterinary Medical Association Annual Conference. Jan. 3, 1996. Ottawa, ON. Pg. 257-265.
Invited Presentations with Proceedings for Industry or Producer Groups
1. Calf Health Management. 1 day short course. Japanese Nutritionist (Diamond V) Group. St. Paul, MN 01/15/2024.
2. 3 B’s of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacterial Load and Better Management. PDPW(virtual) 01/18/2023
3. What’s new in colostrum management. Boehringer Animal Health Dairy Producer Group (CA). October, 20, 2022 (virtual).
4. Maria Stein Animal Clinic Dairy Producer Banquet. Dec. 8, 2021. Maria Stein, OH
5. DVMS Veterinary Services Dairy Producer Meeting. Dec. 9, 2021. Goshen, IN
6. 3 B’s of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacterial Load and Better Management. IFRAMIX CCPA Czech Producer Webinar. 1.5 hr. Mar. 18, 2021 (virtual)
7. Raising a resilient calf. Brown County Producer Meeting. Feb. 24, 2021 (virtual)
8. Is selective dry cow therapy an opportunity for your herd? Carver County Dairy Expo. Feb. 15, 2021 (virtual)
9. Relationship between recycled manure solids processing methods, bedding bacteria counts and udder health. Carver County Dairy Expo. Feb. 15, 2021. (virtual)
10. Raising the perfect calf: Your future profit center. Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference. Feb 5, 2021 (virtual). 11. Bedding management strategies to improve udder health.
12. Raising the perfect calf: Your future profit center.
13. Calf care and colostrum management. Boehringer Ingelheim Emerging Dairy Leaders Conference. Feb. 20, 2020. WI Dells.
14. What’s new in colostrum management. Dairy Calf and Heifer Assoc. March 31, 2020. (virtual)
15. Vacuno de Leche. Madrid, Spain. Nov. 21-22, 2019. Three presentations:
– Raising the Perfect Calf: Your Future Profit Center. IX Jornadas Tecnicas.
– Using Rapid Culture Systems to Guide Selective Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and at Dry-Off.
– Management Strategies to Reduce Bedding Bacteria Counts and Enhance Udder Health.
16. Three B’s of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacterial Load and Better Management. GPS Leaders Forum. 1 hr x delivered twice. Nov. 14, 2019. Prior Lake, MN.
17. Selective Dry Cow Therapy on U.S. Dairy Farms: Impact on Udder Health and Antimcrobial Use. Perry Vet Clinic Producer Meeting. May 29, 2019. Perry, NY.
18. Relationships between bedding materials, bedding bacteria counts and udder health. Medical Equipment Dealers Assoc (MEDA) Annu Meeting. May 16, 2019. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
19. Considerations for a successful calf and heifer program. 2 hrs. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Pre-Conference. April 23, 2019. Fort Wayne, IN.
20. Boost Your Bedding Management. PDPW Business Conference. Mar. 13, 2019. Madison, WI.
21. Best Management Practices for Group Housed Calves. PDPW Business Conference. Mar. 13, 2019. Madison, WI.
22. Rearing the Perfect Calf. Zinpro Blu-Ribbon Producer Meeting. 2hrs Mar 25, 2019. Eden Prairie, MN
23. Preventing Dry Cow Mastitis: A Critical Part of Your Udder Health Program. BIAH Producer Meeting. Feb. 12, 2019. Rochester, MN.
24. Calf Housing and Environment: One Cornerstone to a Successful Calf Program. Zinpro Producer Meetings. 3 hrs/day x 3 days (delivered talk 12 times). Northern Ireland. Sept 5-7, 2018
25. Raising the Perfect Heifer Calf: Your Future Herd Profit Center. 3 hours. Midwest Regional Meeting of the Student Affiliate Division for the ADSA. Jan. 27, 2018. St. Paul, MN.
26. Veterinary Perspectives on the Role of Bedding Management in Cow Comfort and Udder Health. MMPA Annu Mtg. Feb. 6, 2018. Rochester, MN.
27. Calf Health Management. Woodstock Vet Services Producer Meeting. Feb. 29, 2018. Woodstock, ON, Canada
28. Pros, Cons and Best Management Practices for Group Housing of Preweaned Calves. Embrun Vet Servcies Producer Meeting. Mar. 1, 2018. Embrun, ON, Canada
29. Use of rapid culture systems to guide treatment of clinical mastitis. Embrun Vet Servcies Producer Meeting. Mar. 1, 2018. Embrun, ON, Canada
30. Advances in Colostrum Management. DCHA Annu Mtg. April 10-12, 2018. Milwaukee, WI.
31. Feeding dairy calves: Do’s and Don’ts. Anderson Vet Clinic Producer Meeting. Mar. 8, 2018. Zumbrota, MN
32. Selective Dry Cow Therapy. Anderson Vet Clinic Producer Meeting. Mar. 8, 2018. Zumbrota, MN
33. Raising the Perfect Heifer: Your Future Herd Profit Center. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. Producer & Veterinary meetings.
– Twin Falls, ID. Oct. 24, 2017
– Caldwell, ID. Oct. 25, 2017
– Sunnyside, WA, Oct. 26, 2017
34. Rearing the Perfect Calf. Advanced Ruminant Nutrition and Kite Consulting Producer Meetings.
– Gretna Green, U.K., Aug. 7, 2017
– Lancaster, U.K., Aug. 8, 2017
– Ashbourne, U.K., Aug. 9, 2017
– Eleesmere, U.K., Aug. 10, 2017
35. Calf health management. Diamond V German Producer Meeting. St. Peter, MN March 3, 2017.
36. Update on CVM Dairy Research Programs. Minnesota Dairy Growth Alliance Summit. June 22, 2017. St. Paul, MN.
37. Calf Health Management. Dairyland Producer Meeting. Plainview, MN. Feb. 16, 2017.
38. Basic approaches to making our calves bullet proof to disease. Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Producer Meeting. May 20, 2017. Atlanta, GA.
39. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. 12th meeting of the Colloque sur La Santé Des Troupeaux Laitiers. 1 hour presentation plus 3 hrs producer workshops. Drummondville, QC, Canada. Dec. 7, 2016. Pg. 21-30.
40. Care of the neonatal calf: Your future profit center. Boehringer Ingelheim ‘Keep Calves Healthy’ Producer program.
– Meeting 1: Nov. 29, Perry, NY.
– Meeting 2: Nov. 30. Ithaca, NY (AM).
– Meeting 3: Attica NY.
41. Use of on-farm culture for guiding clinical mastitis treatment decisions. 3 hr Short course. National Mastitis Council 2016 Regional Meeting. Appleton, WI.
42. Selective dry cow therapy – We can do this!. National Mastitis Council 2016 Regional Meeting. Appleton, WI. Pg. 8-15.
43. Newborn care and colostrum management. MMPA Dairy Check-off Producer Meeting. Jan. 6, 2016. Little Falls, MN (120 producers)
44. Update on colostrum management. B.I. Producer meeting. Nov. 19, 2015. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
45. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. B.I. Producer meeting. Nov. 19, 2015. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
46. Update on colostrum management. B.I. Producer meeting. Nov. 18, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.
47. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. B.I. Producer meeting. Nov. 18, 2015. Truro, NS, Canada.
48. Calf health management. 3 day program for San Yuan Group. Zoetis, China. July 20-22, 2015. Beijing, China.
49. Calf health management. 2 day program for Yili Group. Zoetis, China. July 23-24, 2015. Hohot, China.
50. Update on colostrum management. Heartland Veterinary Servcies 21stAnnual Dairy Day. Mar. 4, 2015. Listowel, Ont. Canada.
51. Management and feeding of group-housed dairy calves. Heartland Veterinary Servcies 21stAnnual Dairy Day. Mar. 4, 2015. Listowel, Ont. Canada.
52. Update on colostrum management. Walkerton Veterinary Services Annual Dairy Day. Mar. 5, 2015. Walkerton, Ont. Canada.
53. Management and feeding of group-housed dairy calves. Walkerton Veterinary Services Annual Dairy Day. Mar. 5, 2015. Walkerton, Ont. Canada.
54. Contagious mastitis PCR and Prototheca. Foremost Farms 2015 MS&MM Rendezvous. April 13-15, 2015. St. Paul, MN
55. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. Hoards Dairyman Webinar. June 8, 2015.
56. Update on colostrum management. UMN DPEP Winter Dairy Series. Mar. 9, 2015. New Prague, MN
57. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. UMN DPEP Winter Dairy Series. Mar. 9, 2015. New Prague, MN
58. Update on colostrum management. UMN DPEP Winter Dairy Series. Dec. 11, 2014. Gaylord, MN.
59. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. UMN DPEP Winter Dairy Series. Dec. 11, 2014. Gaylord, MN.
60. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. Delivered three times over 3 days. PDPW Calf Care Connection. Oct. 28-30, 2014. Arlington, Chilton and Marshfield, WI.
61. Colostrum management updates. Delivered three times over 3 days. PDPW Calf Care Connection. Oct. 28-30, 2014. Arlington, Chilton and Marshfield, WI.
62. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing and computerized feeding systems for pre-weaned calves. – Delivered twice. Large Herd Seminar. Bristol, UK. June 24-26, 2014.
63. Johne’s control: Getting it right. Large Herd Seminar. Bristol, UK. June 24-26, 2014.
64. Colostrum Management – Getting them off to a great start. Large Herd Seminar. Bristol, UK. June 24-26, 2014.
65. Pasteurizing milk and colostrum: Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Zoetis Calf Symposium. Lansing, MI. March 6, 2014.
66. Monitoring pasteurized milk and colostrum feeding systems. Zoetis Calf Symposium. Lansing, MI. March 6, 2014.
67. Calf care – birth to weaning. Kirkton Vet Clinic producer meeting. Feb. 12, 2014. Kirkton, Ont.
68. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis cases. Kirkton Vet Clinic producer meeting. Feb. 12, 2014. Kirkton, Ont.
69. Calf care – birth to weaning. Milverton Vet Clinic producer meeting. Feb. 13, 2014. Milverton, Ont.
70. Use of on-farm culture systems to guide strategic treatment of clinical mastitis cases. Milverton Vet Clinic producer meeting. Feb. 13, 2014. Milverton, Ont.
71. Reflections on Heifer International – What I learned in Nepal. Heifer International BOD Meeting. June 12, 2013 and Sept. 21, 2013. Little Rock, AK.
72. Heifer International. Pax Christie Catholic Community School. Eden Prairie, MN Mar. 23, 2013.
73. Colostrum Management. Pfizer Animal Health Meeting for Producers. Emerald, WI. Feb. 19-20, 2007.
74. Kenya 2012: A visit to the East Africa Dairy Development Project with Heifer International. Annu. Minnesota Dairy Goat Breeders Conference. Nov. 10, 2012. St. Paul, MN
75. Kenya 2012: A visit to the East Africa Dairy Development Project with Heifer International. American Legion – Business and Professional Post No. 450. Oct. 18, 2012. Bloomington, MN
76. Thoughts on Application of PCR for Assessing Udder Health with DHIA Samples. Annu Mtg. MN DHIA. July 19, 2012. Chaska, MN.
77. What’s New in Colostrum Management. Elanco ‘Close the Gap’ Producer Conference.. Mar. 20, 21, 2012. Minneapolis, MN.
78. What’s new with colostrum management? Boehringer Ingelheim Dairy Management Summit. Feb. 29 – Mar. 1, 2012. Red Wing, MN.
79. Pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. Boehringer Ingelheim Dairy Management Summit
. Feb. 29 – Mar. 1, 2012. Red Wing, MN.
80. Colostrum management. Pfizer Dairy Manager Training Program. St. Peter
, MN . 5/25/2011
81. Managing on-farm pasteurization systems. Pfizer Dairy Manager Training Program. St. Peter, MN. 5/25/2011
82. The 5 Q’s of colostrum management: So what is new? Ontario
Dairy and Veal Healthy Calf Conference. Stratford, Ont. Canada. Dec. 8, 2010.
83. Evaluation of biosecurity practices and development of a risk assessment tool to reduce transmission of Mycobacterium bovis on off-site calf ranches. University of Minnesota One Health Program. May 12, 2010. Minneapolis, MN.
84. The 5 Q’s of Colostrum Management: So What is New? PDPW Producer Meetings. Chilton, WI (Oct. 12, 2010), Eau Claire, WI (Oct. 13, 2010).
85. Topics in Calf Management: Colostrum, Pasteurized Milk, Housing and Weaning. Producer Meeting. Boise, ID. April, 8, 2010.
86. Raising Healthy Calves: Birth to Weaning. Battkenkill (NY) Veterinary Clinic Producer Meeting. 2 hour teleconference presentation. Aug. 19, 2009.
87. Pasteurizing Milk and Colostrum: Capturing the Benefits and Avoiding the Pitfalls. Midwest Dairy Expo. St. Cloud, MN Nov. 8, 2008
88. Update on Latest Research from the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. Midwest Dairy Expo. St. Cloud, MN Nov. 8, 2008
89. Pasteurizing Milk and Colostrum. Annu Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. Rochester, MN. April 1-3, 2008.
90. Optimizing vaccine performance through proper handling and vaccination. Gar-Lin Dairy Management Team Meeting. Eyota, Mn. Mar. 14, 2008.
91. Calf care – Birth to weaning. Dairy Herd Management and Health Clinic.
– Arcadia, WI (1.25 hrs). Dec. 13, 2007.
– Bangor, WI (1.25 hrs). Dec. 13, 2007.
92. Prevention and Control of Mycoplasma and other Frustrating Diseases of Dairy Calves. Vita Plus Calf “U”. Fond du Lac, WI. Aug. 1-2, 2007.
93. Pasteurizing Non-Saleable Milk and Colostrum. 25th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar. Mar. 6-9, 2007. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
94. Developing Biosecurity Programs for Dairy Herds. 25th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar. Mar. 6-9, 2007. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
95. Calf Health Management plus Pasteurization of Milk and Colostrum. First District YC Conference. Feb. 3, 2007. Alexandria, MN.
96. Practical Methods of Feeding Clean Colostrum. 11th Annual PDHGA Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. Mar. 20, 2007. Burlington, VT.
97. Considerations in feeding of pasteurized non-saleable milk and colostrum to dairy calves. Chippewa Valley Technical College Large Herd Dairy Management Class. Hammond, WI. Aug. 21, 2006.
98. Considerations in feeding of pasteurized non-sa
leable milk and colostrum. In Proc. Northeast Ag. and Feed Alliance
Conference. Syracuse, NY. Mar, 28. 2006. West Lebanon, NH. Mar. 30, 2006.
99. Feeding calves heat-treated colostrum: Can this work on dairy farms? In. Proc. 10th Annual Meeting of the Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. PDHGA. Visalia , CA. Mar. 21-24, 2006.
100. Calf care at the TMF. US Grains Council Tour and Presentation. Emerald, WI. Oct. 9, 2006.
101. Feeding calves heat-treated colostrum: Can this work on dairy farms? University of Minnesota Dairy Calf Workshop. Waseca, MN. April 5, 2006.
102. Raising healthy dairy calves. Carver County/University of Minnesota Dairy Expo. Norwood, MN. Feb. 20, 2006.
103. Research Update: Evaluation of an on-farm culture system and heat-treatment of bovine colostrum. Minnesota Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Dec. 8, 2005. Buffalo, MN.
104. Raising healthy calves. At Stearns County Calf Field Day. July 11, 2005. St. Cloud, MN.
105. Giving Dry Cow Mastitis the Boot. Minnesota Dairy Days 2005. McIntosh, Ottertail, Padua, Royalton, MN. Jan. 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2005
106. Pasteurized Milk and Colostrum for Calves: An option or Necessity?. Minnesota Dairy Days 2005. McIntosh, Ottertail, Padua, Royalton, MN. Jan. 4, 5, 6, and 7, 2005
107. Considerations feeding pasteurized waste milk and colostrum. In: Calf Care Connection Seminars. Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Annu. Meet: Madison, Eau Claire, Appleton, WI. on Nov. 28, 29, and 30, 2005.
108. Pasteurization of Waste Milk and Colostrum. Quality Milk Production
Services Producer Education Meetings. Ithaca, Perry, Canton, Lowville, NY. on June 20, 21, and 22, 2005.
109. Starting calves correctly – Colostrum management and correct feeding. Monroe Veterinary Service Client Meeting. Monroe, WI. April 7, 2005.
110. Update on scours in dairy calves. Monroe Veterinary Service Client Meeting. Monroe, WI. April 7, 2005.
111. Starting calves correctly – Colostrum management and correct feeding. Center Hill Veterinary Clinic Client Meeting. Darlington, WI. April 7, 2005.
112. Update on scours in dairy calves. Center Hill Veterinary Clinic Client Meeting. Darlington, WI. April 7, 2005.
113. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of pasteurized non-sa
leable milk and colostrum. Dairy Calves and Heifers: Integrating Biology and Management. N.R.A.E.S. Syracuse, NY. Jan. 25-27, 2005.
114. Practical considerations in feeding pasteurized non-sa
leable milk and colostrum. 7th Annual Intermountain Nutrition Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jan. 25-26, 2005.
115. Practical considerations in feeding pasteurized non-sa
leable milk and colostrum. 7th Annual Intermountain Nutrition Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jan. 25-26, 2005.
116. Calf health management. Stearns County Calf Management Extension Program. St. Cloud, MN. Aug. 19, 2004.
117. Colostrum management. Scherbring’s Heifer Hotel Client Meeting. Rollingstone, MN. July 1, 2004.
118. What have we learned at the Transition Management Facility? Ontario
Large Herd Operators 8th Dairy Symposium. London, ON. Mar. 9-11. 2004.
119. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. Ontario Large Herd Operators 8th Dairy Symposium. London, ON. Mar. 9-11. 2004.
120. Calf health management seminar. Baldwin Veterinary Center
Client Meeting. Baldwin, WI. Jan. 28, 2004.
121. Use of external and internal teat sealants to prevent new intramammary infections during the dry period. Midwest Dairy Herd Health Conference. Green Bay, WI. Nov. 11-12, 2003.
122. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. Midwest Dairy Herd Health Conference. Green Bay, WI. Nov. 11-12, 2003.
123. Management of the newborn calf. Vita-Plus – Prairie Farm Supply Calf Meeting. Belle Plaine, MN. August 20, 2003.
124. Colostrum management on dairy farms. Scherbring Heifer Hotel client meeting. Winona, MN. July 18, 2003.
125. The relationship between herd rbST-supplementation and other factors and risk for removal for cows in Minnesota Holstein dairy herds. 4-State Applied Nutrition and Management Conference. La Crosse, WI. July 9-10, 2003.
126. Evaluation of three cow- side diagnostic tests for the detection of subclinical ketosis in fresh cows. 4-State Applied Nutrition and Management Conference. La Crosse, WI. July 9-10, 2003.
127. Update on Research at the Transition Management Facility. TMF Partners Day. Emerald, WI. Oct. 22, 2003.
128. A review of issues surrounding the feeding of waste milk and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. 7th National Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference (P.D.H.G.A.). March 27-29, 2003. Green Bay, WI. Pg. 163-173.
129. Perspectives on the dynamics of culling: Review of MN DHI records. 6th Western Dairy Management Conference. Reno, NV. March 12, 2003.
130. Jejunal Hemorrhage Syndrome in adult dairy cows. 6th Western Dairy Management Conference. Reno, NV. March 12 and 13, 2003
131. Johne’s disease: A review of the disease, its management, and the opportunity for DHIA in control programs. National DHIA Managers Meeting. Bloomington, MN. July 24-26, 2002.
132. Health management for dairy calves. North Central Dairy Calf and Heifer Workshop – Professional Dairy Heifer Growers Association. Sioux Center, IA. Dec. 4-5, 2001.
54. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems for calves. College Science Week Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. July 6-8, 2017
133. Marginal thinking – Making sound management decisions on your dairy. One-Step Ahead – National Dairy Women’s Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 8-10, 2001.
134. Minnesota Johne’s disease program. Minnesota Dairy Herd Improvement Association Technician Training Meeting. St. Paul, MN. Aug. 2, 2001
135. Pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum: a management tool to control Johne’s disease? Minnesota Board of Animal Health Johne’s Advisory Meeting. St. Paul, MN. July 17, 2001.
136. Health principles and protocols. University of Minnesota Extension Program: Calf Management: Birth to 60 days of Age. Melrose, MN. April 3 and 10, 2001.
137. Diseases in the news: Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. Third Annual Minnesota Women’s Agricultural Leadership Conference. Brooklyn Center, MN. Apr. 4, 2001.
138. Panel discussion: biosecurity principles and practices for Minnesota dairy herds. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Milk Producers Association. St. Cloud, MN. March 15, 2001.
139. Biosecurity in Upper Midwest Dairy Herds. First District Dairy Producer’s Field Day. Alexandria, MN. Jan. 22, 2000.
140. Biosecurity in Upper Midwest Dairy Herds: two presentations. Farmland Holstein Association Field Day. Wabasha, MN. Aug 7., 1999.
141. Designing treatment protocols for dairy operations. Meeting of Women in Agriculture Peer Group. Baldwin, WI. May 4, 1999.
142. Analysing Records of Production. Dairy Comp 305 Producer User Meetings.
Long Prairie, Morton, Rochester, MN. Jan. 5, 6, 7, 1999
Long Prairie, Morton, Rochester, MN. Feb. 2, 3, 4, 1999
143. Evaluation of a milk urea assay, and the relationship between milk urea concentrations and nutritional management and performance in dairy herds. Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation Employee and Board of Director Education Meetings. Guelph, ON. Dec. 6 and 9, 1998.
144. Interpreting milk urea nitrogen. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Dairy Days. Kayuga, ON. Feb. 6, 1998.
145. Interpreting milk urea nitrogen. Floradale Dairy Producer Meetings. St. Jacobs and Caledon East, ON. Dec. 10 and 11, 1997.
Poster Presentations (First author presenting unless * indicates presenter)
1. Kurban, D., J.P. Roy, F. Kabera, A. Frechette, M.M. Um, A. Albaaj, S. Rowe, S. Godden, P.R. F. Adkins, J.R. Middleton, M.L. Gauthier, G. Keefe, T.J. DeVries, D.F. Kelton, P. Moroni, M.V. dos Santos, H.W. Barkema and S. Dufour. 2021.Diagnosing Intramammary Infection: Meta-analysis and Mapping Review on Frequency and Udder-health Relevance of Microorganism Species Retrieved from Bovine Milk Samples. 16th Annu symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE). Aug. 7-12, 2022. Halifax, NS, Canada.
2. Kurban, D., J.P. Roy, F. Kabera, A. Frechette, M.M. Um, A. Albaaj, S. Rowe, S. Godden, P.R. F. Adkins, J.R. Middleton, M.L. Gauthier, G. Keefe, T.J. DeVries, D.F. Kelton, P. Moroni, M.V. dos Santos, H.W. Barkema and S. Dufour. 2021.Diagnosing Intramammary Infection: Meta-analysis and Mapping Review on Frequency and Udder-health Relevance of Microorganism Species Retrieved from Bovine Milk Samples. Op-lait Conference. St-Hyacinthe, QC. Oct. 20-21, 2021.
3. Rowe, S.M.*, Godden, S.M., Nydam, D.V., Lago, A., Royster, E., Vasquez, A. 2020. Randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of two commercial internal teat sealants in dairy cows. National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting. Jan. 28-30, 2020. Orlando, FL, USA
4. Rowe, S.M.*, S.M. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman and M. Boyle. Cross-sectional study of the relationship between cloth udder towel management, towel bacteria counts and intramammary infection in late lactation dairy cows. 2019 Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Nov. 2-5, 2019. Chicago, IL.
5. Rowe, S.M.*, S.M. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman and M. Boyle. Cross-sectional study of bedding bacteria counts and intramammary infection in late lactation dairy cows. 2019 Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases. Nov. 2-5, 2019. Chicago, IL.
6. Rowe, S.M.*, Godden, S.M., Royster, E., Timmerman, J., Boyle, M. Investigation of the Relationship Between Udder Towel Hygiene, Udder Towel Management and Intramammary Infection in Late-lactation Dairy Cows. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, April 17-18, 2019.St Paul, MN
7. Godden, S., W. Knauer, C. Gapinski, K. Yorek, R. Hullinsky, K. Leslie, C. Murray-Kerr, S. McGuirk, H. Coetze, and D. Haines. ADSA Discover Conference: Effects of Stress on Health and Production of Dairy Cows. Chicago, IL. Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2018.
8. Rowe, S. &, S. Godden*, D. Nydam, P. Gorden, A. Lago, E. Royster, R. Bicalho. Selective dry cow therapy on U.S. dairy farms: impact on udder health, antimicrobial use and economics. CRWAD Annu Mtg. Chicago, IL. Dec. 1-4, 2018.
9. Rowe, S. &, S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker, M. Boyle. Investigation of the relationship between bedding bacteria count and intramammary infection in late lactation dairy cows. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Oct. 10, 2018.
10. Adamchick, J. &, S. Godden, W. Knauer, K. Leslie, R. Hullinsky, C. Gapinski, and K. Yorek. Relationship between dairy cow serum calcium status at calving and calf survival, health and growth outcomes – Preliminary results. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Oct. 10, 2018.
11. Patel, K.&, S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker, and L. Fox. 2017. Investigation of the relationship between bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and bedding management practices with udder health and milk quality on dairy farms – preliminary results. Annu. Mtg of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. April 18-19, 2018. St. Paul, MN (Oral+Poster).
12.Rowe, S.&, S. Godden, E. Royster, D. Nydam, A. Lago, P. Gorden. Selective dry cow therapy on U.S. dairy farms: Impact on udder health, antimicrobial use and economics. Workers Conference. Annu. Mtg of the Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. April 18-19, 2018. St. Paul, MN (Oral+Poster).
13. Patel, K. &, S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker, L. Fox. Investigation of the relationship between bacteria counts, bedding characteristics and bedding management practices with udder health and milk quality on dairy farms: Preliminary results. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Oct. 4, 2017.
14. Knauer, W.A.&*, S.M. Godden, A. Dietrich, and R.E. James. The association between daily average feeding behaviors and morbidity in automatically fed group-housed pre-weaned dairy calves.. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. First place in poster completion for the VMED Graduate Program. Oct. 5, 2016
15. Patel, K. &, S. Godden, E. Royster, J. Timmerman, B. Crooker. N. McDonald. Pilot Study: Impact of using a Culture-Guided Selective Dry Cow Therapy Program Targeting Quarter-Level Treatment on Udder Health and Antibiotic Use. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Honorable mention in poster completion for the VMED Graduate Program. Oct. 5, 2016
16. Sorg, J. &, S. Godden, and W. Knauer &. The effect of more liberal milk allowance in the first week of life on the health and growth of preweaned dairy calves. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Oct. 5, 2016
17. Godden, S., H. Coetzee, R. Chebel, M. Cheeran. 2014. Effect of oral meloxicam on growth and health in dairy calves following cautery dehorning with a local anesthetic. ADSA Discover Conference: Strategies for Improving US Dairy Cattle Welfare. Itasca, IL. May 27-30, 2014.
18. Bierman, T. &, S. Godden, H. Coetzee, R. Chebel, M. Cheeran, J. Cho, M. Wehseler, and J. Armstrong. 2014. Effect of oral meloxicam on feed intake and pain perception in Jersey calves following cautery dehorning with a local anesthetic. ADSA Discover Conference: Strategies for Improving US Dairy Cattle Welfare. Itasca, IL. May 27-30, 2014.
19. Stampfl, B. &, S. Godden, D. Haines, E. Spronk. 2014. Passive transfer and response to early vaccination in Holstein dairy calves. College of Veterinary Medicine Summer Scholars Research. July 30, 2014.
20. Bierman, T. &, S. Godden, H. Coetzee, R. Chebel, M. Cheeran, J. Cho, M. Wehseler, and J. Armstrong. 2013. Effect of oral meloxicam on feed intake and pain perception in Jersey calves following cautery dehorning with a local anesthetic. 46th Annu Meet. AABP. Sept. 19-21, 2013. Milwaukee, WI.
21. Arruda, A.G. &*, S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, P. Gorden, L. Timms, S.S. Aly, T. Lehenbauer, and J. Champagne. Randomized non-inferiority clinical trial evaluating three commercial dry cow mastitis preparations. Annu Mtg NMC. Jan. 20-23, 2013. San Diego, CA.
22. Haran, P. &, S. Godden, J. Bender, and S. Sreevatsan. Detection of multi drug resistant, enterotoxin producing methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Minnesota bulk tank milk. Poster Presentation. National Mastitis Council mtg. Sept. 22-24, 2011. St. Louis, MO.
23. Haran, K.P. &, S.M. Godden, J.B. Bender, and S. Sreevatsan. 2010. Isolation and characterization of Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus from bulk tank milk in Minnesota dairy farms. CRWAD mtg.. 12/5/2010. Chicago, IL.
24. Skidmore, A., P. Dinsmore, V. Bielmann, S. Godden, K. Leslie and S. LeBlanc. 2010. Evaluation of Brix refractometery for measurement of colostrum quality. World Buiatrics Congress. Nov. 14-18, 2010.
25. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, S. Wells, R. Bey, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2010. Heat-treatment of colostrum on commercial dairy farms: effects on colostrum characteristics and calf health. Annu. Mtg. MVMA. Minneapolis
, MN. Feb. 4-6, 2010. * Won 1st place in poster competition.
26. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, S. Wells, R. Bey, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2010. Heat-treatment of colostrum on commercial dairy farms: effects on colostrum characteristics and calf health. CSREES Animal Protection and Biosecurity PD Workshop. Dec. 6, 2009. Chicago, IL.
27. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, S. Wells, R. Bey, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2009. Effect of heat-treatment of colostrum on quality and microbiology of colostrum and on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn calves. Annu. Mtg. MVMA. Minneapolis, MN. Feb. 5-7, 2009.
28. Donahue, M. &, S. Godden, S. Wells, R. Bey, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2009. Effect of heat-treatment of colostrum on quality and microbiology of colostrum and on passive transfer of immunoglobulin G in newborn calves. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. 64-GS. Mar. 25, 2009.
29. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, P.L. Ruegg, K. Lesslie. 2009. The selective treatment of clinical mastitis based on on-farm culture results does not affect long-term outcomes: clinical mastitis recurrence, somatic cell count, milk production and cow survival. 69-GS. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. 64-GS. Mar. 25, 2009.
30. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, P.L. Ruegg, K. Lesslie. 2009. The selective treatment of clinical mastitis based on on-farm culture results reduced antibiotic use by half and tends to reduce milk withholding time without affecting short-term clinical and bacteriological outcomes. 68-GS. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. 64-GS. Mar. 25, 2009.
31. Godden, S., S. Wells, I.Gardner, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. Evaluation of critical control points in youngstock and adult dairy cow management to reduce transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. CSREES Animal Protection and Biosecurity PD Workshop. Dec. 7, 2008. Chicago, IL.
32. Peterson, J. &, and S. Godden. 2008. Relationship between bacteria levels in colostrum and efficiency of absorption of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves. College of Veterinary Medicine Points of Pride Research Days. St. Paul , MN. Mar. 25-26, 2008.
33. Ferrouillet, C. &, S. Wells, S. Godden. 2007. Lessons learned from the Minnesota Johne’s disease demonstration herd control program. 9th International Coloquium on paratuberculosis. Tsukuba, Japan. Oct. 29-Nov.2, 2007.
34. Lilleguard. H. &, S. Godden, R. Bey. 2007. Use of heat-treatment and preservatives to improve colostrum quality. CVM Points of Pride Research Days Mar. 20-21, 2007.
35. Johnson, J., S. Godden, T. Molitor, T. Ames. 2007. The effect of feeding three plasma-derived colostrum replacer formulations on passive transfer of immunoglobulins in neonatal dairy calves. CVM Points of Pride Research Days Mar. 20-21, 2007.
36. Carrier, J. &, S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki. 2007. Predictors of stillbirth for cows moved to calving pens when calving is imminent. CVM Points of Pride Research Days Mar. 20-21, 2007.
37. Lago, A&. S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Self cure rates of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. CVM Points of Pride Research Days Mar. 20-21, 2007.
38. Godden, S., S. Wells, I. Gardner, J. Fetrow, and J. Stabel. 2006. Evaluation of critical control points in youngstock and adult dairy cow management to reduce transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. USDA Animal Protection Project Director Workshop (at CRWAD). Chicago, IL. Dec. 3, 2006.
39. Lago, A&., S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Prevalence and etiology of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. Proc. Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 21-24, 2007. San Antonio, TX. Pg. 246-247.
40. Lago, A. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, K. Leslie, P. Ruegg, and R. Dingwell. 2007. Persistence of subclinical intramammary infections in fresh cows. Proc. Annu. Meet. of the National Mastitis Council. Jan. 21-24, 2007. San Antonio, TX. Pg. 252-253.
41. Hagman, D. & and S. Godden. 2006. Feeding heat-treated colostrum to dairy calves. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 297.
42. Hochhalter, J. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, A. Lago, M. Jones. 2006. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from in-lab bi-plate culture versus standard laboratory culture, and bi-plate inter-reader agreement. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 298.
43. Jones, M. &, J. Hochhalter&, R. Bey, A. Lago, S. Godden. 2006. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from in-lab tri-plate culture versus standard laboratory culture, and tri-plate inter-reader agreement. Proc. Annu. Meet. Of the Am. Assoc. Bov. Pract. Sept. 21-23, 2006. St. Paul, MN. Pg. 299.
44. Hagman, D. &, S. Godden. Feeding heat-treated colostrum to dairy calves. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN Mar. 14-15, 2006.
45. Hochhalter, J. &, S. Godden, R. Bey, A. Lago, M. Jones. Validation of the Minnesota Easy Culture System II: Results from in-lab biplate culture versus standard laboratory culture, and bi-plate inter-reader agreement. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN Mar. 14-15, 2006.
46. Godden, S., S. Wells, I. Gardner, J. Fetrow, J. Stabel. Evaluation of critical control points in youngstock and adult dairy cow management to reduce transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. National Research Initiative Project Director (PD) meeting for the Animal Protection Program. 2005 CRWAD Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Dec. 4-6, 2005.
47. Malmedal, T. &, Gerdes, T., Godden, S., Bey, R., Borjesson, D., Chester-Jones, H., Wells, S., Fetrow, J. 2004. Preliminary results from a field study to investigate the relationship between colostrum management and serum immunoglobulin concentrations in dairy calves. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN. March 9-10, 2004
48. Gerdes, J. &, Malmedal, T., Bey, R., Godden, S. 2004. Evaluation of the effects of sample collection and culture strategies on mastitis culture results. Points of Pride Research Day. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN. March 9-10, 2004.
49. Godden, S., P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, A. Johnson, R. Bey, and R. Farnsworth. Effectiveness of an internal teat sealant in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early lactation periods in dairy cows when used with an intramammary antibiotic. 36th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Columbus, OH. Sept. 18-20, 2003.
50. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, L. Green, S. Wells, J. Fetrow. Preweaning health and performance of Minnesota dairy calves fed either pasteurized waste milk or a traditional milk replacer feeding program. 36th Annu. Meet. American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Columbus, OH. Sept. 18-20, 2003.
51. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2003. Effect of batch and high temperature-short time pasteurization on immunoglobulin G concentrations in colostrum. Annu. Meet. American Dairy Science Association. June 22-26, 2003. Phoenix, AZ. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 248.
52. Green, L. &, S. Godden, and J. Feirtag. 2003. Practical considerations related to installation and use of commercial pasteurization units for on-farm pasteurizing of milk and colostrum. Annu. Meet. American Dairy Science Association. June 22-26, 2003. Phoenix, AZ. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1): 249.
53. Godden, S., R. Bey, J. Reneau, R. Farnsworth and M. LaValle. 2002. Field validation of a milk line sampling device for monitoring udder health and milk component data. 41st Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Orlando, FL. Feb. 3-6, 2002. Pg. 204-205.
54. Johnson, A.P., P. Rapnicki, R. Bey, R. Farnsworth, S. Godden, and S. Stewart. 2001. Standardized method to estimate potential for bacterial growth in bedding. 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sept. 13-15. Pg. 512-513.
55. Stewart, S., S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, and S. Eicker. 2001. Summary of early lactation DHIA somatic cell counts. 2nd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Sept. 13-15. Pg. 532-533.
56. Lissemore, K., D. Kelton, W. Martin, S. Godden, A. Vonk Nooredgraff, and V. Edge. 2000. The association between ration protein and the economic efficiency of milk production on Ontario dairy farms. 33rd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Sept. 21-23, 2000. Rapid City, SD.
57. Godden, S. Milk urea analysis. Poster Presentation. The Dairy Industry and the “U”: University of Minnesota Workshop. Melrose, MN. February 6, 1999.
Extension Publications or Interviews for Industry and Producer Groups
2. Six ways to help preweaned dairy calves succeed in group housing. Bovine Veterinarian. Jan 3, 2022
3. Seal the Teat if You Don’t Treat. Hoard’s Dairyman. March 2021.
4. Colostrum Replacer: Pros and Cons. Dairy Herd Management. May 2021.
5. Mastitis research program activities at the University of Minnesota. Profiled in M2-Magazine. May 26, 2020.Can we reduce mastitis? Hoard’s Dairyman. March 10, 2020.
6. Colostrum vital to calf health: Manage first feedings, beyond for long term benefits. Dairy Star magazine. March, 2020.
7. Research Summery: Cloth Udder Towel Management. Udder Topics. National Mastitis Council Newsletter.Jan. 2020. 43:6.
8. Udder health starts with good bedding. Hoard’s Dairyman. Jan. 10, 2020.
9. Day one transition. Progressive Dairy Journal. Nov. 7, 2019. 18:34.
10. Bedding hygiene, mastitis go hand in hand.Dairy Star magazine. Nov. 9, 2019. Pg. 3
11. Answering questions about colostrum. Hoard’s Dairyman. Sept. 25, 2019. Pg. 559
12. Why think about selective dry cow therapy now?Hoard’sDairyman. May 2018. Pg. 351.
13. Does selective dry cow therapy have a place? Hoard’s Dairyman. May 25, 2017
14. Find the cause of poor passive transfer. Hoard’s Dairyman. Mar. 10, 2016.
15. Heat wave continues, air quality worsens. Interview for MPR News Update on abating heat stress in farm animals. 7/21/2016
16. Serving up the very first meal. Hoard’s Dairyman. Sept. 10, 2016. Pg. 545.
17. On-farm culturing: A culture of success. Dairy Herd Management e-journal. 11/24/2016.
18. Selective dry cow therapy may be another tool in the antibiotic-reduction toolbox. ProgressiveDairyman E-journal. 7/27/2016. \
19. Cultures help you make decisions. Hoard’s Dairyman. Jan. 10, 2016. Pg. 28
20. Calf group housing: Is it worth it? Progressive Dairyman. Issue 2, Jan. 19, 2015.Pg. 58.
21. Why consider colostrum supplements and replacers? PDPW Dairy Star. Sept., 2014
22. Colostrum supplements and replacers – Do they have a role on your dairy? 04/2014. Posted on ‘New from Dairy Extension’ at
23. Colostrum is good, but let’s make it great. Progressive Dairyman. Issue 13. Sept. 1, 2013. P. 64-65.
24. Handling waste milk. Hoard’s Dairyman. Dec. 2012.
25. So, what’s new? (a review of colostrum research) Dairy Herd Network. Nov. 7, 2012.
26. Minnesota Dairy Health Surveillance Project Newsletter. S. Godden. July 20, 2012.
27. Enhance that colostrum. Dairy Herd Network. Aug. 1, 2012.
28. I belong to…NMC. By Sandra Godden. In Progressive Dairyman. 6/7/2012. Pg. 104.
29. MRSA found on U.S. dairies. Dairy Today Journal. 3/28/2012.
30. Evaluation of management practices to reduce transmission of Johne’s disease: Results from controlled clinical trials. S. Godden, S. Wells., I.
Gardner, J. Fetrow, J. Stabel, L. Espejo, B. Knust and E. Patton. MN DHIA Annual Summary. 03/2012. Pg. 21-23
31. How do we get premature calves off to a better start? S. Godden
and S. McGuirk. Hoard’s Dairyman. Feb. 25, 2012.
32. Are we using our waste milk the right way? S. Godden and R. James. Hoard’s Dairyman. Jan. 25, 2012.
33. Starting Strong: Measuring Colostrum Quality. Vita Plus Newsletter. 12/23/2011.
34. Prevent the spread of Johne’s by separating dam and calf. Hoard’s Dairyman. January 25, 2011 pg. 52.
35. A mother’s touch. Dairy Herd Management Magazine. April, 2011. pg. 30.
36. Pasteurizing colostrum: The next step to controlling disease. Hoard’s Dairyman. Sept. 2010. Pg. 589.
37. New research confirms advantage of dried colostrum based colostrum replacers. Progressive Dairyman Magazine. Oct. 2010.
38. Here’s the latest in calf nutrition and research. In Progressive Dairyman. Pg. 68-70.
39. Keep newborns healthy and safe. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Sept. 25, 2009. Pg. 584.
40. Keys to colostrum that calves will thrive on. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Aug. 10, 2009. Pg. 480.
41. Relationship between in vitro susceptibility test results and treatment outcomes for gram-positive mastitis pathogens following treatment with cephapirin sodium. In AABP newsletter. July 2009. Pg. 6-7.
42. Calving pen type doesn’t impact calf health. In Hoard’s Dairyman. July 2009. Pg. 440.
43. To Pasteurize or Not. In Bovine Veterinarian. May-June, 2009. Pg. 21-22.
44. Stopping Johne’s at first chance. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Feb. 10, 2009. Pg. 84.
45. Why some bedding causes us more problems. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Feb. 10, 2009. Pg. 110.
46. Efficacy of a plasma derived commercial colostrum replacer feeding program for the prevention of transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in dairy calves. In APC, Inc. Newsletter. Dec. 3, 2008.
47. Culturing clinical mastitis halves antibiotic use. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Oct. 10, 2008. pg. 624
48. Colostrum replacer volume impacts passive transfer. In Dairy Herd Management. Aug., 2008. pg. 34.
49. On-farm culture systems can pay. In Hoard’s Dairyman. July , 2008. pg. 455
50. Godden, S. Practical methods of feeding clean colostrum. In Progressive Dairyman magazine. June 17, 2008 (Issue 9). Pg. 36-39.
51. Johne’s disease prevention linked to colostrum replacers, knowledge. In Profesional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin
. Jan 10, 2008. 10:ST.
52. Researchers compare bacterial growth in bedding sources. In Dairy Herd Management. Feb., 2008. Pg. 38.
53. Colostrum is key to getting calves off to a good start. In Bovine Health Watch. Dec., 2007. Pg. 5-6
54. Calf Care Methods Matter. In Bovine Health Watch. Dec., 2007. Pg. 7.
55. Colostrum conundrum. In OntarioMilk Producer. Nov., 2007. Pg. 38-39.
56. Milk quality researchers share insight on mastitis management issues. In Udder Topics. NMC Newsletter. June 2007. Vol 30. Pg. 1.
57. Remember the 3 Q’s of colostrum feeding. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Mar. 10, 2007. Pg. 332.
58. Self cure rate is good on environmental mastitis. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Mar. 25, 2007. Pg. 208.
59. Reduce stillbirths by moving cows right before calving. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Mar. 10, 2007. Pg. 164.
60. Heat it up – Learn what the latest research has to say about heat treating colostrum. In Dairy Herd Management. Mar. 2007. Pg. 56-58.
61. Mastitis infection rates at calving still run high. In Hoard’s Dairyman. Feb. 25, 2007. Pg. 128.
62. New ways to improve reproduction. In Hoard’s Dairyman. January 25, 2007. Pg. 53.
63. Feeding waste milk to calves looks to provide more benefit than previously thought. S. Godden interview for podcast posted on on Jan. 16, 2007.
64. Pour on the calories. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Dec., 2006. pg. 24-28.
65. Researchers learn more about heat-treated colostrum. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. July, 2006. Pg. 26.
66. Teat sealant use can reduce new mastitis infections and yield a payoff (Advertorial). In Hoard’s Dairyman. June, 2006.
67. Can temperatures be too high for pasteurizing colostrum? In Hoard’s Dairyman. June, 2006. pg. 400.
68. Preserve colostrum with potassium sorbate. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. May., 44.
69. Pasteurized waste milk heats up. In Dairy Today magazine. March, 2006. pg. 10-12.
70. Pasteurize colostrum at 140 °F for one hour. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Feb., 2006. pg. 17.
71. Tips for storing frozen colostrum. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Feb., 2006. pg. 6-7.
72. Sperrmilkch statt Austauscher träanken. In Elite Magazine (Germany). Nov. 2005. pg. 26.
73. Feed calves pasteurized milk for weight gain, health. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. June, 2005. pg. 416.
74. Weigh costs, risks of feeding waste milk. In Midwest Dairy Business magazine. May, 2005. pg. 28-30.
75. Pasteurizers for calf milk on small farms. In CEPTOR newsletter. Ontario
Agriculture and Food Veterinary Science. Ontario, Canada
. Mar. 2005. pg. 12.
76. Thinking about installing a milk pasteurizer? In Hoard’s Dairyman magazine. Mar. 10, 2005. pg. 164.
77. Done right every time: Three safeguards to ensure the consistency of pasteurized waste milk. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Mar. 2005. pg. 50-52.
78. Pasteurize colostrum and protect IgG. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Mar. 2005. pg. 78.
79. Prepare to pasteurize waste milk. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Feb. 2005. pg. 38-42
80. Pasteurized non-saleable milk holds potential for raising calves. In Minnesota Farm Guide. Jan. 21, 2005. pg. 47-48.
81. S. Godden, P. Rapnicki, S. Stewart, J. Fetrow, A. Johnson, R. Bey and R.Farnsworth. 2004. Effectiveness of an internal teat seal in the prevention of new intramammary infections during the dry and early-lactation periods in dairy cows when used with a dry cow antibiotic. Abstract in: Penn State Veterinary News. Jan. 2004. pg. 10.
82. S. Godden, J. Feirtag, L. Green, S. Wells, and J. Fetrow. 2004. Pasteurized milk: It’s not just for supermarkets anymore. In Hoard’s Dairyman magazine. 2004. pg. 624.
83. Calves fed pasteurized milk performed better. In Hoard’s Dairyman magazine. 2004. pg. 288
84. Take advantage of nature’s most perfect food. In Dari-Trends magazine. Spring, 2004. Pg. 4-5.
85. Internal teat sealant offers protection during dry period. In Udder Topics (National Mastitis Council newsletter). July, 2004. pg. 3-4.
86. Sealant is getting attention in dry cow program. In Hoard’s Dairyman magazine. July, 2004. pg. 445.
87. Hotter not always better. In Dairy Herd Management magazine. Dec., 2004.
88. In-line milk sampling can be accurate. In Hoard’s Dairyman magazine. Oct., 2004.
89. Take advantage of nature’s most perfect food. Dairi-Trends Magazine. Spring. 2004. Pg. 4-5.
90. Godden, S., J. Feirtag, L. Green, S. Wells, and J. Fetrow. Pasteurized milk: It’s not just for supermarkets anymore. Hoard’s Dairyman. Sept. 25, 2003. Pg. 624.
91. Is pasteurizing calf milk right for you. Dairy Herd Management Magazine. September, 2003. 40(90):32-36. Article also posted on the Dairy Alert web
92. Review of research in article: Research on an internal teat sealant. Dairy Herd Management Magazine. August, 2003. 40(8):16.
93. Pasteurized waste milk safe for calves. Agri-View Farm Magazine. Madison, WI. April 17th edition, 2003.
94. Tips for transporting weaned calves. Dairy Herd Management Magazine. January 2002. pg. 30-31.
95. Adjusted take-off settings may improve milking efficiency. Dairy Today Magazine. October, 2001.
96. Minnesota Public Radio. Interviewed on topic: Heat stress and heat abatement systems in dairy production systems. August 8, 2001.
97. Peer-reviewed paper on milk urea nitrogen research posted on the National Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) web page on August 8, 2001. (Godden et al., 2001. J Dairy Sci. 84:1128-1139)
98. Beef Up Your Biosecurity. Dairy Herd Management magazine web page. October 24, 2000.Tips on Reading MUN Data. Dairy Herd Management magazine. March 2001. Pg. 17.
4.1 Professional DVM Curriculum
University of Minnesota – Senior Rotations (2 weeks per rotation) 1998 – present.
Overview of Ruminant Production Medicine (ORPM). (CVM 6831). 2013 – present. Instructor. 2 credits. Lectures/exercises/herd visits on nutrition and youngstock management.
Advanced Dairy Production Medicine Rotations I and II (ADPM) (CVM 6977, 6978). 2012 – present. Coordinator and instructor for module on youngstock management; Instructor for nutrition module.
Dairy on-farm Clinical Rotation (DOFC) (CVM 6821). 2002 – present. (2 credits). 4-6 students/block, offered 5 times per year. Coordinator & Instructor until summer 2023. Instructor starting fall 2023. 2 days per block. Teach clinical techniques (examination, treatment, surgery, calving assistance, etc.) plus direct group discussions and on-farm activities on topics like nutritional monitoring, calf care, pathophysiology, prevention, and monitoring of metabolic disease in transition cows.
Dairy Herd Health and Disease Rotation (CVM 6818). 2000-2011. 2 credits. (18-25 students/yr). Instructor. Give lectures on colostrum management, clinical epi, and calf health management principles.
Dairy Production Medicine (DPM) I (CVM 6826). 2007 – 2011. (2 credits) (10-18 students/year). Instructor & Coordinator in 2011: Lectures on intro. To digestive function and nutrients, monitoring nutrition and housing, assist with ration balancing exercises, investigative field trips.
DPM II (CVM 6827). 2007 – 2011. (2 credits) (10-14 students/year). Instructor. Coordinator in 2011: Lectures on youngstock management, housing, disease, calf housing investigation field trip, applied nutrition, housing, clinical epidemiology, investigation field trips.
DPM III (CVM 6828). 2007 – 2011. (2 credits) (8-10 students/year). Coordinator (2009 – 2011) and Instructor: Lectures on transition cow management, assist with ration balancing exercises, transition cow nutrition and metabolic disease monitoring, forage evaluation field trip, nutrition evaluation field trip, student presentation evals..
DPM IV (CVM 6829). 2007 – 2011. (2 credits) (5-8 students/year). Coordinator (2009 – 2011) and Instructor: Lectures on youngstock feeding, youngstock field trip, comprehensive herd investigation field trip, student presentation evals.
Ruminant Nutrition (CVM 6815). 1999 – 2004. Dairy Production
Medicine (DPM) II – Nutrition and management. (CVM 6828). 2005, 2006. Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (6-15 students/yr). Coordinator, instructor. Give lectures and labs on ruminant digestive physiology, nutrients and nutritional management, physical evaluation of feedstuffs, use of ration evaluation software, computer analysis of records of production, and lead nutritional investigations (field trips) to two or three dairy farms plus a beef feedlot or small ruminant operation.
Advanced Applied Dairy Nutrition (CVM 6816). 1999 – 2004.
Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (6-8 student/yr). Instructor. Give lectures on vitamin and mineral nutrition, transition cow metabolic diseases of transition cows, nutrition investigations to dairy farms, assist students with directed projects in nutrition.
Mastitis, Milking Machines, and Milk Quality (CVM 6814). 1999 – 2003 Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (15 students/yr). Instructor. Give lecture on causes and prevention of heifer mastitis (2001, 2002). Assist with field trips (1999, 2003).
Youngstock and Dairy Production Management (CAPS 6830). 2002, 2005
Advanced theriogenology and youngstock management. (CVM 6829). 2005.
Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (6-10 students/yr) Co-coordinator. Gave lectures on biosecurity, health management principles for young calves, heifer mastitis prevention, and pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum. Directed field trip (1/rotation). Will be offered again in 2004.
Dairy Record Analysis, Epidemiology & Economics (CAPS 6820).1999,2000 Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits (15 students/yr) Instructor. Gave lectures on computer analysis of records of production. Assist with field trip (1/rotation).
Dairy Theriogenology Management (CVM 6812). 2000-2002 Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (15 students/yr). Instructor. Gave lecture on nutritional influences on fertility and directed a case-based exercise investigating a dairy farm fertility problem.
Advanced Dairy Records Analysis (CAPS 7820). 1999-2004 Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (5 students/yr) Instructor. Review of computer evaluation of records of production (1999-2000). Tutorial on interpreting survival curves when using DairyCOMP 305 computerized records (2003).
Advanced Building Design (CAPS 5911). 1999-2001 Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits (10 students/yr). Instructor – 3 days of Dairy Housing. Gave lectures on general housing, social interactions, and feed bunk management for dairy cattle. Contribute to group discussions on facility and stall design, water management, and heat abatement systems. Assist with field trips.
Directed Study in Dairy Production Medicine (CVM 6506). 2001 (4 students), 2011 (3 students)
Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. Instructor – 3 days of interaction in group discussions, records evaluation, and assist with one field trip.
Directed Study in Dairy Nutrition (CVM 6506). 2000
Two-week senior rotation offered once per year. 2 credits. (1 student). Coordinator. One-on-one discussions on principles of dairy nutrition based on directed readings. Coordinate with veterinarian to send student to a large Colorado dairy for one week. Develop, coordinate, and review student project on monitoring feeding management on this dairy.
University of Minnesota – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year Vet. Curriculum 1998-present
Professional Development II (CVM 6907). Participated in 2-hr mentor speed dating class. 1/19/2024
Food and Fiber Food and Mixed Animal Problems (CVM 6967). 2015 – present. Instructor. 4 hrs. 3rd year spring selective. 2 credits. Approx. 30-35 students.
Food and Fiber I: Food and Fiber Practice. (CVM 6963). Instructor. 4 hr bovine procedures lab. Spring 2023.
Food and Fiber II: Production Medicine (CVM 6964). 2018-present. Instructor. 3rd year spring selective. 2 credits. 21 students. Lab 2 hrs: Nutrition management
Large Animal Medicine II (CVM 6928) (Previously called: Metabolic Disorders, Pediatrics, and Oncology). 1999 – present. Instructor. Second year spring. 3 credits. (100 students/year)
Give 10 lectures on metabolic diseases of ruminants, including liver diseases, ketosis and fatty liver, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, downer cow syndrome, protein and energy malnutrition, nutritional interactions with heat and cold stress/starvation, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies and excesses.
Large Animal Anatomy (CVM 6908). 2023-present. Instructor. First year spring. (100 students/yr). Give 1 lecture on clinical significance/problems/application of bovine pelvis and perineum.
Clinical Epidemiology (CAPS 6220). 1999 – 2020. Instructor. Second year course. 2 credits. (100 students/year). Four 1-hr lectures on topics of the diagnostic process, types of diagnostic tests, evaluating the utility and performance of diagnostic tests, use and interpretation of diagnostic test results, herd-level testing. (content modified for flipped classroom – virtual delivery in 2020)
Preventive Medicine (CVM 6914). 1998. Instructor – provide content for on-line course. Prepare 1 hour ppt on calf health management.
Large Animal Clinical Skills I (CVM 6301). 1999, Jan. 2017. Second year course. 1 credit. (76 students/year) Laboratory instructor. Assist with 4 hour lab on physical exam of the bovine.
Bovine Reproductive Palpation Lab (CVM 6800).Oct. 2017. Instructor. 3hr lab teaching bovine palpation.
Agents of Disease I (CVM 6913). Spring semester, first year. April, 2014, 2017. Mentor. Reviewed 2 group projects (IBR, Coccidiosis.
Agents of Disease II (CVM 6917). Fall semester, second year. December, 2014, Oct. 2017. Reviewed one module – Reproductive diseases.
Principles of Nutrition (CVM 6134). 2011 – 2017. Instructor. First year course. 1 credit. 100 students/year. 3 hrs: 1 hr – colostrum and nutritional management of neonatal calves/ 2 hrs – adult ruminant nutrition.
Veterinary Immunology (CVM 6911). 2014 – 2017. Instructor. Spring semester. First year course. 3 credits (100 students/year). Deliver 30 minute lecture on use of colostrum supplements and replacers in neonates.
Food and Fiber Selective I (CVM 6963). 2016. Coordinator and Instructor (3 hrs). 3rd year spring selective. 2 credits. Approx. 40 students.
Digestive Systems Disorders (CVM 6410). 1999 – 2015. Third year course. 5 credits. (80 students/year)
Lecturer and Lab. Instructor. Give one lecture on liver disease in ruminants. Participate in two three-hour labs teaching technique of rumenocentesis and evaluation of rumen fluid.
Dairy Production Medicine: Lecture block. (CVM 6802). 2000 – 2015.
Third year course. 3 credits. (35 students/year) Instructor. 2 hr lecture on calf health management. Reproductive Diseases of Food Animals (CVM 6704). 1998 – 2009. Third year course. 2 credits (45 students/year) Instructor. Give two lectures on the influence of nutrition on reproductive performance in the bovine.
Bacteriology and Mycology (CVM 6202). 2003 – 2009 Second year course. 3.5 credits (80 students/year). Instructor. Give one lecture on mastitis in dairy cattle.
Dairy Study Group – CVM 2009. 02/07/2008. Extracurricular 2 hr lecture on mastitis diagnosis and management. 7 students.
Overview of Animal Populations (CVM 6021). 1999 – 2005 First year course. 1 credit. (80 students/year). Laboratory instructor. Lead field trips to dairy farms.
Clinical Pharmacology (CVM 6205). 2012 – 2013. Second year course. 100 students/class. Teach one hour on pharmacology and clinical mastitis therapy.
Large Animal Practice Mentoring. CVM 6718). Fall, 2012 – Spring, 2014. Second year elective course. 40-45 students. Coordinator. Match students to mentoring practices. Review student case reports.
Large Animal Palpation Lab (CVM 6702). 2013. Instructor. 1 hr lecture & 2 hr lab on bovine palpation. 50 students lecture, 25 students lab.
International and Cultural Immersion Course (CVM 6001). Instructor. 1 hr lecture on Heifer International. ≈75 students. Spring, 2013.
Kansas State University – Senior Dairy Program 2018
Teach 4 hours on calf health management. Aug. 30, 2018
Cornell University – Senior Dairy Program 2004 – present
Summer Dairy Institute. 2004 – present. Six-week program in advanced dairy production medicine (20-25 students/yr). Instructor. Teach 4 hours on colostrum management, pasteurizing waste milk and colostrum, and management of group housing systems for dairy calves.
Iowa State University – Senior Rotation 2002
Introduction to Dairy Production Medicine (483 VDPAM). 2002 Two-week senior rotation offered once/year (15 students). Instructor. Three-hour lecture plus computer-based tutorial and exercise on economic decision making on dairy farms.
University of Guelph – Senior Rotations 1995-1998
Ruminant Health Management – Level I 1995-1998
Two-week senior rotation offered year round (4 students/block)
Instructor. Clinical skills training of senior vet students during ambulatory service visits to client farms (1995-1996). Lead group discussions on antimicrobial use in food animals (1997 – 1998).
Ruminant Health Management – Level II 1995-1996
Two-week senior rotation offered four times/year (4 students/block)
Instructor. Production medicine (nutrition, reproduction) training of
senior vet students during scheduled herd visits or herd investigations.
4.2 Undergraduate/Animal Science Curriculum
a) Dairy Production Systems Management (ANSC
4604). 2014 – present. Spring semester. 4 credits. Instructor. Deliver one 2-hour lecture on calf health management.
Approx. 30 students/year.
b) Animal Health and Disease (CAPS 3502) 1999-2004
Offered in fall semester. 3 credits. (9-16 students/class). Co-coordinator & Instructor. Lecture on environmental management, principles of dairy biosecurity, records and monitoring, calf health management, infectious and metabolic diseases. Direct laboratories on physical examination of ruminants and field trip to dairy farm.
4.3 Graduate Curriculum
VMED 8192 Dairy Health Management: Critical Thinking. 2007 – present. Co-coordinator and Instructor (with L. Caixeta and W. Knauer). 1 credit. Offered in spring and fall semesters. Critical evaluation of journal articles and supplemental discussions on epidemiologic principles. Approximately 2-3 take for credit and approximately 5 audit each semester.
VMED 5190. Effective Science Communication. 2006 – present. Coordinator and Instructor. 2 credits. Formal training and practice in planning and delivering scientific presentations and poster presentations. Fall 2022: 13 students.
CMB/VMED 8550. Seminar in Comparative and Molecular Biosciences/Veterinary Medicine. Faculty participant. Spring and fall semester, 2023.
Graduate Student Fellowship Writing Group. 2022 – present. Instructor. Review and mentor students while they write their own fellowship proposals. Spring semester. 2 hours once/week. Approx. 4 students per session. Attended 2 sessions in spring 2023
VMED 5910. Writing a Winning Grant Proposal. 2006 – 2016. Instructor. Teach one 2-hr class on: Designing a research proposal: Study design and analysis. Approx. 15 students per class.
VMED 8492. Veterinary Epidemiology Seminar. 2001-2005. Instructor. Offered in fall semester. 1 credit. (5-7 students/class). Discussions on veterinary epidemiology topics.
VMED 8393. Medical Conference: Metabolic Diseases of Ruminants. 1999. Coordinator & Instructor. Offered in fall semester. 1 credit. (3 Animal Science graduate students). Give lectures on metabolic diseases of ruminants.
5.1 Graduate Student Activities
Graduate Program Membership
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, CVM. Jan. 2021 – present.
VMED Program Advisory Committee (PAC). May 2020 – Jan 2021
Veterinary Medicine Graduate Program, University of Minnesota
i. Full Member of Graduate Faculty: 2003 – present
ii. Associate Member of Graduate Faculty: 1999 – 2002
Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Guelph
i. Special Graduate Faculty. Sept. 2006 – present
Master’s Theses Directed or Co-directed
1. Adithep Konputtar (Co-advisor). MS. Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Feb. 2015 – Dec. 2018.Predicting the milk price penalty using decision tree analysis.
2. Dr. Kruthika Patel (Advisor). MS. 1/2015 – 12/2018. Molecular epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bulk tankmilksamples of U.S. dairy farms
3. Dr. Andreia Arruda (Major Advisor). MS. 1/2011 – 12/3/2012. Non-inferioritystudy of three commercial dry cow preparations on new infections and cures during the dry period. Hired into a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Dept. of Veterinary Preventive Medicine at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in fall, 2016.
4. Christina Foutz (Major Advisor). MPH. 2009 – 3/2011. Factors affecting antimicrobial resistance in fecal E. coli in Minnesota dairy calves.
5. Dr. Mary Donahue (Major Advisor). MS. 5/2007 – 6/2010. Effect of feeding pasteurized colostrum on colostrum characterstics and calf health.
6. Heather Swan (Major Advisor). MPH. 2005 – 8/2006. Impact of colostrum replacements on passive transfer and health in dairy calves.
7. Dr. Jennifer Johnson (Major Advisor). MS. 12/2004 – 2/2006. Colostrum management and neonatal immunology in dairy calves
8. Ana Dresch (Co-advisor). M.S. 8/2012-spring, 2013. Transition cow management.
9. Dr. Luis Mendonça. (Co-advisor). MS/Resident. 5/2009 – present. Comparative fertility of cross-bred cows.
10. Lorissa Green (Co-advisor). MS. 2002 – 2003. Pasteurization of waste milk and colostrum using commercial on-farm pasteurizers.
Masters Student Advising Committee served on
1. Erin Royster. MS. 6/2011-1/3/2014. Mastitis and milk quality education. Examination committee
2. Lisa Wolf. M.S. 7/2012 – 12/2012. Parasite load on organic dairy farms.
3. Kate O’Connor. M.S. 7/2011 – 05/2014. Metabolic disease in camelids.
4. Abena Opokua Bampo Opoku. M.S.(Dept. of Food Sci and Nutrition). 9/2011 – 2012. Alternative methods for processing milk.
5. Dr. Preethi Haran. MS. 2009 – 3/2011. Prevalence, risk factors, and genetic diversity of MRSA on MN dairy farms
6. Dr. Girum Ejigu. MPH. 2009 – 03/2011. Prevalence, risk factors, and genetic diversity of Shiga toxin producing E. coli on MN dairy farms.
7. Brian Nelson. MS. 2008 – 8/2010. Effect of Vitamin E supplementation on absorption of immunoglobulin G in newborn dairy calves (U of Guelph)
8. Karen Lobeck. MS. 2008-12/2010. Evaluation of cow performance, health and welfare in cross-ventilated housing systems. (Dept. of An. Sci)
9. Dr. Mary Boyce. MS. 2006 -5/2009. Studies of navicular disease in horses
10. Mark Carson. MS. 2006 – 12/2008. Ketosis in transition dairy cattle (University of Guelph)
11. Dr. Cécile Ferouillet. MPH. 2004 – 12/2006. Johne’s Disease transmission in dairy cattle
12. Barry Visser. MS. Completed 2003. Effects of diet and drenching on transition cows
Doctoral Dissertations (PhD) Directed
1. Dr. Sam Rowe (Advisor). Sept. 2017 – March 2020. Bedding management and selective dry cow therapy in dairy cattle.
3. Dr. Whitney Knauer (Advisor). PhD. 8/2013-August, 2017. Calf behaviour, health and welfare. Successfully defended her PhD in Aug. 2017. Hired as a contract associate professor within the VMED dept. in Sept., 2017.
4.Dr. Alfonso Lago (Major advisor). PhD. 6/2005 – 6/2009. On-farm culture systems in clinical and subclinical mastitis.
5. Dr. Jerome Carrier (Major advisor). PhD. 07/2002 – 5/2007. Transition cow behaviour and metabolic disease
Doctoral Dissertations (PhD) Co-Directed
1. Felipe Mosca. PhD. (Co-advisor) Aug. 2019 – 11/2/2023. Mastitis prevention in organic dairies.
2. Chris Dean (Co-advisor). PhD (BICB). 2018 – present. Microbiome of the udder.
3. Erin Wynands (Co-advisor). PhD. Jan, 2018 – 2021. Interactions between metabolic disease and lameness in transition cows.
4. Grant Stoddard (Co-advisor). PhD. 2014 – Mar. 5, 2018. Lameness prevention in dairy cattle.
5. Gage Matthews (Co-advisor). PhD. 11/2013 – 6/2014 (withdrew). Mastitis control on organic dairies
6. Dr. Patrick Pithua (Co-advisor). PhD. 12/2004 – 6/2009. Preventing Johne’s Disease transmission dairy youngstock
Doctoral Committees Served On
1. Emily Kiugu. PhD. Committee member (Chair). 2022 – present. Genetic resistance to disease in cows.
2. Kendra Pachniak. PhD. Committee member (Chair). 2022 – present. Social housing in dairy calves.
3. Drew Swartz. PhD. Committee member (Chair). 2022 – present. Lameness prevention in dairy cattle
4. Anay Ravelo. PhD. Committee member (Chair). 2021 – present. Metabolic disease in dairy cattle
5. Caitlin Jeffrey. PhD (UVT). Committee member. 2020 – present. Bedding management in organic dairy herds.
6. Zelmar Rodriguez. PhD. Committee member. 2018 – June 29, 2021. Metabolic disease and lameness in cows
7. Marianne Villettaz Robichaud. PhD (Dept. of Population Medicine. U of Guelph
). 9/2011 – Aug., 2016. Evaluation of the effect of early intervention during calving on behaviour and health in Holstein cows and calves.
8. Dr. Claire Windyer. DVSc. 2007 – 8/2010. Effect of a Modified Live Vaccine on Respiratory Disease in Preweaned Dairy Calves (U of Guelph).
9. Greg Golombeski. PhD. 2006 – 12/2010. Trace mineral nutrition in transition cows (Dept. of Animal Sci., U of Minnesota)
10. Dr. Luis Espejo. PhD. 2007- 1/27/2012. Test strategies for detection of M. paratuberculosis Post-doc advisor from 1/2012 to 7/2012.
11. Dr. Eran Raizman. PhD. 2001 – 2005. Epidemiology of Johne’s Disease in dairy cattle environments
12. Dr. Chuck Fossler. PhD. 2000 – 2004. Epidemiology of Salmonella in dairy cattle environments
13. Dr. Erica McKenzie. PhD. Completed 1999. Nutritional and pharmacological management of recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis in Thoroughbred horses
External Examiner 1. Albert Lopez. PhD. University of Guelph. Final defense. 04/14/23. Topic: Colostrum management.
2. Lisa Gamsjager. PhD. University of Calgary, Canada. Prelim examinations. 8/10/2020. Topic: Colostrum management in beef calves.
3. Caroline Corbett. PhD defense. University of Calgary, Canada. April 30, 2018. Thesis topic: Johne’s disease prevalence in Canadian dairy herds.
4. Abena Opokua Bampo Opoku. MS. UMN Food Sci Dept. Thesis topic: Pathogen inactivation in milk.
5. Kimberly MacDonald. PhD defense. University of Prince Edward Island. Aug. 2, 2004. Thesis topic: Evaluation of on-farm culture systems for mastitis control.
6. Jeroen Lohuis. External reviewer of dairy science thesis: “Practical steering of milk urea nitrogen”. Agricultural University of Dronten, The Netherlands. May, 25, 2006.
7. Dr. Pipat Arunvipas. PhD Candidate. University of Prince Edward Island. Aug. 2, 2004. Thesis topic: MUN research.
5.2 Professional Veterinary Student Activities (mentoring & research projects)
1998 – present. Regularly employ and/or mentored 2 to 4 or more students per year as research technicians on various projects through summer (full-time) or the school year (part-time). Meet annually with dairy challenge training team (1 hr / calf topics). Individual names not listed before 2014.
2023. Mentored summer research students Maggie Brown and Erika Oosterheert. Letters of support for scholarships/fellowships: Maggie Brown, Erika Oosterheert, Madison Baumgartner. Conceived of, then worked with AABP and NMPF to fund & create new dairy summer research and internship program. Faculty advisor to PAM club.
2022. Letters of support for scholarships, jobs, etc: Fred Mansfield, Kaylan Risacher, Madison Baumgartner, Mourad Ali.
2021. Letters of support for scholarships, jobs, etc.: Josh Brown, Fred Mansfield, Kaylan Risacher, Nicole O’Sell, Taylor Aubrey, Thomas Duff
2020. Letters of support for scholarships, jobs, etc. for Taylor Aubrey, Nicole O’Sell, Josh Brown.
2019. Taylor Aubrey, Nicole O’Sell, Patrice Sorenson, Josh Brown, Lindsay Miller, Nick Pitlick, Delaney Cox, Natalie Oestrich, Jenna Frank, Rylee Black, Thomas Duff, Keith Yorek, Cierra Miller (Mentored during summer 2019 for VetLEAD program). Matt Retterath (senior project: swab v loop).
2018: Craig Gapinski, Joseph Hammes (directed study in nutrition), Taylor Aubrey (Riverview dry + cow teat sealant study), Nicole O’Sell (Riverview colostrum project), plus 14 other DVM or Prevet students involved in research projects as student technicians.,
2017: Rochelle Hulinsky, Craig Gapinski, Keith Yorek, Katelyn Rieland, Lacey
Ellingson, Hilary Flockhart, Alexia Riley, Josh Brown, Nicole O’Sell, Thomas Duff, Kal Handyside, Zhen Yang, Isaac Secor, Joseph Hammes.
2016: Janna Sorg, Mary Liebenstein (winner of 2016 National Dairy Shrine Student
Recognition Award), Isaac Secor and Jordan Sanford
2015: Brian Stampfl, Erika Nagorske
2014: Janna Sorg, Melissa Minkkinen, Amanda Smith, Jessica Ernst, Connor
McLaughlin, Jon Dorman, Trevor Otte, Megan Thompson, Julie Cho, Lee Michels, Andy Kryzer, Ethan Spronk, Joe Armstrong, Matt Brady, Becky Barclay, Ben Wier,
5.3 Other Mentoring Activities
1. Dr. Nicole Neeser. MPH. Completed 2004. Best practices for antimicrobial use on dairy farms. Assist in survey design.
2. Dr. Christie Malazdrewich. PhD. Completed 2003. Pulmonary expression of inflammatory cytokines in experimental bovine pneumonic mannheimiosis. Role: Statistical consulting.
3. Dr. Fortune Sithole. PhD. Completed 2005. University of Prince Edward Island
. (project mentor)
4. International students mentored or employed as research assistant (MAST Program)
9/18/12/18 Pedro Cecilio Ferro (Brazil)
9/17-12/17 Samuel Basquin (France)
1/16-4/16 Carol Resende (Brazil) and Tuyet Nguyen (Vietnam)
9/16-12/16 Natalia Ribeiro, Dante Junior, Ronaldo Tolentino and Leandro Dornelas (Brazil)
1/08 – 8/08 Rafael Neves, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)
1/08 – 4/08 Lucas Carvallo, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)
8/08 – 12/08 Dorian Salinas, Honduras Hort. Student (MAST program)
1/09 – 4/09 Pablo Campos, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)
8/08 – 12/08 Andreia Arruda, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)
9/09 – 12/09 Andriy Vatulin, Ukraine agriculture student (MAST program)
8/09 – 12/09 Cristiano Gontijo, Brazil agronomy student (MAST program)
9/09 – 12/09 Habner Amorim, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)
9/10 – 12/10 Aymee Gomez, Brazil (MAST program)
9/10 – 5/11 Camila Flores, Brazil agronomy study (MAST program)
1/11 – 6/11 Anderson Nunes Marins, Brazil DVM (MAST program)
2/11 – 6/11 Adroaldo Begrow, Brazil DVM
9/10 – 8/11 Alexandre Scanavez, Brazil DVM
9/12 – 1/13 Kirill Khirtrov, Russia (MAST program)
9/12 – 12/12 Andrei Sabadyn, Moldova (MAST program)
9/12 – 1/13 Tetiana Sabadyn, Russia (MAST program)
9/12 – 1/13 Aleh Barshcheuski, Russia (MAST program)
9/12 – 1/13 Jose Avarez, Honduras (MAST program)
i. Merck-Merial Summer Scholars Program 2003 off an on
ii. Production Animal Medicine (PAM) Club. Faculty co-advisor. 1999 – present
iii. Dairy Challenge Training 1 hr/yr. 2016 – 2019
iv. Freshman Veterinary Student Mentor – 8-10 students 1999, 2003 – 2005, 2007
v. Large Animal Clinic Resident Rounds – bovine topics 1999 – 2000
vi. Mentor Connection High School Program 2000 – 2001
6.1 Editorships/Journal Reviewer Experience
1. Journal of Dairy Science
a. – Member of Editorial Board in the Physiology and Management Section. 2004 – 2007.
b. – Ad Hoc Reviewer.
2001: 1 manuscript; 2002: 4 manuscripts; 2003: 3 manuscripts; 2004: 2 manuscripts;
2005: 6 manuscripts; 2006: 4 manuscripts; 2007: 3 manuscripts; 2008: 2 manuscripts
2009: 2 manuscripts; 2010: 1 manuscript. 2011: 2 manuscripts. 2012: 6 manuscripts. 2013: 6 manuscripts; 2014: 3 manuscripts; 2015: 5 manuscripts; 2016: 5 manuscripts; 2017: 4 manuscripts; 2018: 6 manuscripts; 2019: 7 manuscripts; 2020: 11 manuscripts; 2021: 4 manuscripts; 2022: 2 manuscripts; 2023: 2 manuscripts
2. Canadian Veterinary Journal. 2020: 1 manuscript.
3. The Bovine Practitioner. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2001, 2 in 2009. 1 manuscript in 2010; 1 manuscript in 2011. 1 in 2016. 1 in 2017. 2 in 2019. 1 in 2020
4. Int. J. of Anim. Biosci. 1 in 2019.
5. Expert reviwer for chapter: Facility systems for the young calf. For new edition of the Large Dairy Herd Management Text. 3/15/2016
6. Journal of Dairy Research. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2004. 1 in 2016
7. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Reviewed 1 manuscript. 2/2015.
8.Expert reviewer for STROBE for Veterinary Medicine Survey. March, 2014.
9. Ad Hoc Reviewer for AABP: Reviewed 37 abstracts. June, 2014.
10.The Veterinary Journal. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2012. 1 in 2013.
11. Expert Reviewer for ISU Factsheet: Pasteurized Waste Milk Considerations. 10/2011.
12. Scientific Reviewer for Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) Gold Standards. Calves: Birth to Six Months. Feb. 20, 2009.
13. Expert reviewer for 2007 NAHMS Report: Heifer calf health and management practices on U.S. dairy operations. Dec., 2009.
14. Professional Animal Science Journal – Ad Hoc Reviewer.
2008: 1 manuscript
15. Expert reviewer for 2007 NAHMS Dairy Biosecurity Report. Oct. 13, 2008.
16. Ad hoc reviewer for web-based curriculum on appropriate antimicrobial usage. Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Jan, 2006.
17. Nutrients Journal. Reviewed on manuscript. 3/2011.
18. Journal of Applied Animal Research. Review one manuscript. 3/2011.
19. Member of Scientific Committee for 23rd World Buitatrics Congress (Quebec City, Quebec. July, 2004). Jan. 2004. Reviewed 9 abstracts for oral or poster presentation.
20. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 2011: 1 manuscript
21. Journal- Nutrients. 2011: 1 manuscript
22. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2006. 2013: 1 manuscript
23. Journal of Reproduction-Nutrition-Development (France). 1 manuscript reviewed in 2005.
24. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2003.
25. Journal o24.f Veterinary Medicine. 1 manuscript reviewed in 2004.
26. Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association: 1 reviewed in 2005. 2011: 1 manuscript
27. Journal of Veterinary Microbiology. 2013: 1 manuscript reviewed.
7.2 Committee Memberships / Expert Groups
1. Dairy Management Inc. (DMI). Scientific Advisory Council. Sept. 2023-present.
2. UMASH Advisory Board. January 2022 – present.
3. American Assoc. of Bovine Practitioners. Member 2018-present. President: Sept 2022-Sept. 2023. Past president. Sept 2023-present. Weekly remote meetings. Monthly newsletter. Quarterly on-site meetings or conferences. Monthly BOD/EC or task force committee meetings. Youngstock committee member. Oct. 2023-present.
4. Minnesota Milk Producers Assoc. (MMPA). Participate in Dairy Day at the Capitol. Feb. 2023
5. Bovine Alliance on Management and Nutrition (BAMN) (nominated position). Sept. 2005 – present. Bimonthly teleconference meeting developing producer factsheets. 1 manuscript published in 2020, 2022. No activity in 2023.
6. NE 1048 (previously NE1028 from 2007 to 2011) and NE1009 (2002-2006). 2002 – present.
Multistate Project – Mastitis resistance to enhance dairy food safety (+ Regional Mastitis Research Worker’s Group). Member and Project Leader for the University of Minnesota. President in 2006. Attend annual meeting and submit annual report.
7. Canadian Bovine Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Network (CBMQRN) scientific committee. 2/2017. – present.
8. National Mastitis Council. Member.
2003-present President in 2/2016-1/2017. Board of Directors. January, 2011 – present (3 year term). Secretary 2012. Second Vice president in 2014. First Vice president in 2015. 2018: Chair of Nomination Committee & NMC Scholars application review committee. Member of Nomination Committee 2019-present
9. Member of Johne’s Disease Integrated Program. 2004+
10. Member. Minnesota Johne’s Disease Working Group. 2000+
11. Member. Integrated Surveillance Work Group. Center for Animal Health and Food Safety. University of Minnesota. 2002 – present.
12. Contributor to designing 2014 NAHMS calf study in 2013. 4/2013 – 1/2014.
13. Reviewer: Food animal questions being developed for NAVLE exam. June 9, 2009
14. Contributor. DCHA Gold Standards for Calves: Birth to 6 months. Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA).
15. Expert Reviewer: DCHA Gold Standards III. Animal welfare standards for rearing dairy calves and heifers from birth to freshening, across the United States. 8/2011
16. Contributor to Fort Dodge Animal Health submission in response to 21 CFR Part 530 FDA-2008-N-03261 order to prohibit the extralabel use of cephalosporin antimicrobial drugs in food producing animals. Sept., 2008.
17. Cattle Vaccine Key Opinion Leader Meeting. Intervet Schering-Plough. De Soto, KS. May 14-15, 2008.
18. Advisor. American Protein Corporation, Inc. Spring, 2007-2009.
19. Member of Program Committee for 2008 National Mastitis Council Annu. Meet.
20. Judge: Fresh Cow Makeover Contest. Dairy Today Magazine. April 6, 2006.
21. Member of Scientific Committee for 23rd World Buitatrics Congress (Quebec City, Quebec. July, 2004). 2003 – 2004.
22. Advisor. Monsanto Dairy Business Scientific Advisor Group. 2002 – 2004.
23. Scientific Advisor. Dairy Tech Inc.. Greely, CO. Met 1 day in 2014. 1 day in 2015
24. Secretary: Graduate Students of Population Medicine Affairs Committee. Department of Population Medicine. University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario.July 1997 – Oct. 1998.
6.3 Review panels for external funding agencies, foundations, etc.
1. External reviewer for promotion & tenure package of professor at University of Missouri. Aug. 2023
2. External reviewer for promotion & tenure package of professor at Case Western University. Mar. 2023
3. External Reviewer for USDA NIFA SBIR program (Phase I) – one proposal. Jan 2022.
4. External reviewer for AABP Foundation Proposals. 3/5/2020.
5. Judge for ADSA West Agro Inc. Award. Mar. 17, 2020 – present
6. Judge for Producers for Progress Competion. Broadhead Co. Aug., 2019. July, 2020. 2 hours
7. External reviewer for promotion & tenure package of professor at Utah State University. Sept, 2019.
8. Performance Review for USDA-ARS senior researcher. June 28, 2019. 3 hours.
9. External advisor for USDA-AFRI Organic Bedding Management project at the University of Vermont. On-site meeting April 5-6, 2019. Burlington, VT
10. AABP Research Foundation Grant Review panel. Jan, 2019
11. External expert for USDA-FSIS. Literature search for drying times for calf umbilicus. Feb. 14, 2018
12. External Advisory Panel to Review Food Animal Curriculum. College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Colorado State University. March 26-27, 2018.
13. Reviewer for NMC Scholarship applications. 9 applications reviewed (2 hr) 7/1/18
14. Judge for B.I.V.I. Producers for Progress Program. 60 herds reviewed (3 hr). 8/3/18
15. Ad Hoc Reviewer. Dairy Farmers of Canada Research program. 5/2017
16. Ad Hoc Reviewer. Canadian Bovine Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Network (CBMQRN) Reviewed 11 grants plus 3 hr meeting. 5/2017
17. Ad Hoc Reviewer. AABP Foundation Proposal reviews. 2/2017
18. Ad Hoc Reviewer. OMAFRA U of Guelph Research Funding Program. 3/2017
19. Ad Hoc Reviewer. USDA AFRI Exploratory Research Program. 3/6/2017
20. Ad Hoc Reviewer. B.I.V.I. Producers for Progress Awards. 8/2017
21. Review of University of Montreal associate professor for tenure and promotion. 9/2016.
22. Expert reviewer for USDA Dairy 2014 Report. Part I: Reference of Dairy Cattle Management Practices in the United States, 2014.
23. Ad Hoc Reviewer. MOMAFRA/U of G Research Program. 02/2015
24. Ad Hoc Reviewer. U of Saskatchewan Research Program. 04/2015
25. Ad Hoc Reviewer. MnDrive, 2014. Reviewed 5 research proposals. May, 2014.
26. Ad Hoc Reviewer. SBIR – NIH. Reviewed two grant proposals May, 2014.
27. Ad Hoc Reviewer. Population Systems Signature Program. Reviewed 8 proposals. April, 2014.
28. Scientific reviewer for AABP Foundation. Reviewed 2 proposals. March, 2014.
29. Peer Evaluator: On-line Mastitis Investigation Course by QMPS, Cornell, NY. 8/2013.
30. Ad Hoc Reviewer. Canadian Bovine Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Network. Sept., 2012. – 1 proposal.
31. Review of UWI-Madison Veterinary College associate professor for promotion. Sept. 2013
32. Review of NCSU Veterinary College associate professor for promotion. Sept. 2013
33. Review of WSU assistant professor for tenure and promotion. Sept. 18, 2012.
34. External Reviewer: Promotion and Tenure for Epidemiology professor. University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Lahore, Pakistan. 7/2011.
35. Review of North Dakota State University assistant professor for tenure and promotion. 8/2009.
36. Ad Hoc Reviewer. OMAFRA-U of Guelph Research Progarm. March, 2011 – 1 proposal. March 2012 – 1 proposal.
37. Ad Hoc Reviewer. 2009, 2010, 2011. JDIP – Johne’s Disease Integrated Project. 3 grant proposals reviewed each year.
38. Ad Hoc Reviewer. Feb. 22, 2009. United States – Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD). 1 mastitis-related proposal reviewed.
39. Ad Hoc Reviewer. 12/2008. JDIP – Johne’s Disease Integrated Project. 2 grant proposals reviewed.
40. Ad Hoc Reviewer. 01/13/2007: USDA – CSREES/SBIR Program.
41. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. New Directions Research Program. – Review grant proposals: 2/2007, 11/05/2007, 2/27/2008, 3/2015
42. Blue Sky Research Program. RCVS Trust. London, England. 2005.
43. CDC and University of Michigan. Review program: Web-based veterinary curriculum on appropriate antimicrobial usage. 2005.
44. U.S.D.A. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.
Jan. 2004 – 1 grant proposal reviewed
Jan. 2007 – 1 grant proposal reviewed
45. University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center
Research Committee. 2001–2002.
46. Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station Competitive Grants. April 2000.
47. Ad Hoc Reviewer: Minnesota Rapid Agricultural Response Fund and MN Turkey Research and Promotion Council Competitive Grants. June 2000.
48. National Research Council of Canada and the Prince Edward Island Dairy Producers’ Association Grant Competition. 1998.
6.4 Organization of conferences, workshops, panels, symposia
49. Program coordinator for Main Conference Program – planning in 2021 in preparation for 55th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. to be held Sept. 18-24, 2022. Long Beach, CA.
50. Program coordinator for Preconference Seminar Program. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Oct. 7-9, 2021. Oct. 3-9, 2021. Salt Lake City, UT.
51. Chair of program planning committee (2016-present), Moderator: Minnesota Dairy Health Management Conference. 1999-2021 (offered series of four ½ day webinars over 4 days in 2021.
52. Scientific Review Committee for 2019 International Dairy Federation (IDF) annu meeting program planning. May, 2019.
53. Judge for Student Case Competition. 51st AABP Conference. Sept. 13-15, 2018 Pheonix, AZ.
54. Moderator for Research Summary Section. 51st AABP Conference. Sept. 13-15, 2018 Pheonix, AZ.
55. Co-planner, moderator and speaker: 3rd & 4th University of Minnesota China Dairy Conference. 2016, 2017.
56. Program chair and moderator. National Mastitis Council 55th Annual Meeting. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2016. Glendale, AZ.
57. Moderator: AABP Annu. Meet. Sept. 18-20, 2014. Albuquerque, NM.
58. NMC 54th Annu Mtg 2015 program planning committee and short course coordinator. 2014. Feb. 1-3, 2015. Memphis, TN.
59. NMC 55th Annu Mtg. 2016. Program planning committee chair. Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2016. Glendale, AZ.
60. Program coordinator/moderator for preconference seminar: Advances in Health Management of Preweaned Dairy Calves. MN Dairy Health Conference. May 20-22, 2014. Minneapolis, MN
61. Moderator plus judge for Grad Student Competition (research summaries) 37th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners – and 3rd International Symposium on Mastitis and Milk Quality. St. Louis, MO. Sept. 22-24, 2011.
62. Nominator and Presenter: Alpharma Award of Excellence to Dr. Pamela Ruegg. 42nd Annu. Conf. AABP. Sept. 10-12, 2009. Omaha, NB.
63. Planning committee, moderator (from 10/2008 to 9/2009): The 10th International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis. Minneapolis, MN. Aug. 9-14, 2009.
64. Coordinator, Chair, Moderator: Preconference seminar: Calf Management (0 to 4 months) and Scientific Session. Minnesota
Dairy Health Management Conference. May 19-21, 2009, St. Paul, MN.
65. Coordinator and Chair: Preconference seminar: Use of on-farm culture systems in mastitis control programs. Regional Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. Green Bay, WI. Aug. 12-13, 2008.
66. Meeting Co-Chair, Subcomittee Chair, and Moderator at 15th ADSA Discover Conference. Biology of the Calf. Nov. 16-19, 2008. Roanoke, VA.
67. NMC 47th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Jan. 20-23, 2008. Program planning committee. Subcommittee Co-Chair and Moderator of Session 5: Bedding management and milker management.
68. NE1009/NE1028 Regional Mastitis Research Worker’s Group. Meeting organizer. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 8-10, 2006 and Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 7-9, 2007.
69. 38th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. St. Paul
, MN. Sept. 21-23, 2006.
70. 37th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Fort Worth , TX. Sept. 23-25, 2004.
71. 35th Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. General Sessions – Infectious Disease Update. Sept. 25-28, 2002. Madison, WI.
72. 33rd Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Research Summaries: Session II – BVD and Neospora. Sept. 21-23, 2000. Rapid City, SD.
6.5 Service to the University/College/Department
1. P&T Committee for VPM Dept. Ongoing.
2. Peer evaluation of teaching for Noelle Noyes. Fall 2023
3. Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for VMED graduate program. January, 2009 – Feb, 2013. July, 2014 – spring, 2017. July 2020-Jan. 2021. Monthly 1 hr meeting, applicant reviews, Application reviews. Grad student recruiting day – interviews.
4. Acting Faculty Advisor to Laboratory for Udder Health during Fall 2019/Spring2020 while Dr. Royster is on Semester Leave. Phone consults 15 avg. minutes/day.
5. Faculty Mentoring Committees:
a. Noelle Noyes. 4/2019 – fall 2022
b. Luciano Caixeta. 10/2017 – fall 2022 (Chair)
c. Gerard Cramer. 12/2015 – 2019 (Chair)
d. Meggan Craft 2014 – 2018
e. Rafael Bisinotto. 1/2016 – 12/2016
6. Recruited new graduate student, Felipe Mosca, during spring, 2019. 3 interviews approx. 2 hrs.
7. Reviewed CVM One Health Workforce website module: Antimicrobial Stewwardship in Mastitis Therapy. June, 4, 2019. 1 hr.
8. Acting Faculty Advisor to Laboratory for Udder Health for 2 weeks while Dr. Royster was on family leave (June 2018). Phone consults 30 minutes/day.
9. Dairy Group Division Head. VPM Dept. 12/2015 – 6/2019
10. Search Committee member: Faculty in Dairy Production Medicine. 10/2016 – spring 2017.
11. Search Committee Chair: Dairy Production Medicine Faculty. Jan-July, 2015.
12. Search committee: Resident in dairy production medicine. 8/2013.
13. VPM Dept. Chair administrative review committee. Fall, 2013.
14. Search Committee (Chair): Faculty position in Dairy Production Medicine. Sept. 2012 – May, 2013.
15. Search Committee: Instructor in Dairy Production Medicine. 01/2012 – 04/2012.
16. Peer Teaching Evaluator for fellow CVM faculty. 1 review. March 21, 2011. 1 Review 12/2014 (Madill).
17. Faculty Member Team for Junior Faculty. Dr. Ricardo Chebel. 2010 – 2013. Meggan Craft. 4/2012 – present. Tim Goldsmith. 2012 – 2013. Montse Torremorell. 11/18/2014 – present.
18. Search Committee. Dairy Production Medicine resident position. Nov. 2008 – 2009.
19. Search Committee. Dairy Production Medicine faculty position. June, 2007 – 2010.
20. Search Committee: Bovine Theriogenologist. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. April 2003 – 2004.
21. Search Committee: Clinical Specialist Position in Small Ruminant and Food Animal Medicine. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. Aug. – Sept. 2002.
22. Search Committee: Instructor – Veterinary Public Health. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. Feb. 2002.
23. Annual Merit Review Committee – Teaching Evaluation Committee. Jan. 2000 – present.
24. Search Committee (Chair): Instructor in Dairy Production Medicine. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. June – Nov. 2001.
25. Search Committee: Director for the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota
. May 2000 – Feb. 2001.
26. Search Committee: Dairy Outreach and Extension Veterinarian. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. Apr. 2000 – July 2001.
27. Search Committee: Diagnostic Pathologist – two positions. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. University of Minnesota. Jan. – Apr. 2001.
28. Search Committee: Research Assistant – Johne’s disease research projects. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. Sept. – Nov., 2000.
29. Search Committee: Small Ruminant Specialist. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. June – Aug., 2000.
30. Search Committee: Instructor for Veterinary Pathology. Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Minnesota. Feb. – Aug., 2000.
31. Search Committee: Assistant or Associate Professor of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. University of Minnesota. June – Aug., 2000.
32. Search Committee: Veterinary Diagnostic Pathologist. Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. University of Minnesota. Feb. – Aug., 1999.
33. Search Committee: Resident in Dairy Production Medicine. Department of Clinical and Population Sciences. University of Minnesota. Jan. – Mar., 1999.
34. Search Committee: Chair for the Department of Population Medicine. Department of Population Medicine. University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario. July 1997 – Feb., 1998.
35. Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, CVM. 01/2021-present.
36. CVM Academic Council. Jan. 2021 – present.
37. CVM Research Committee. 9/2001 – 8/2002. 9/2010 – 2016. 9/2018 – present.
38. Chair. Performance review committee for Dr. Cathy Carlson (VCS Chair). Spring, 2023
39. CVM Promotion and Tenure Committee. 2014 – present. Chair: in 2020
40. Chair. Administrative review committee for Dr. Cathy Carlson (VCS Chair). Sept. 2021
41. CVM Search Committee: Senior Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs (Chair). 2021
42. Faculty advisor to the VetFAST program. 2008-present. Several meetings/year with students/planning. Application review (approx. 8-10/yr). Individual student mentoring on preparation for application.
43. CVM Admissions Committee. July 2021 – present. Review approx. 100 applications and interview approx. 15 applicants per year.
44. CVM Board Exam Prep – Edited Calcium disorders fact sheet. 7/22/2020
45. CVM Research Faculty Development Steering Committee. Dec. 2019 – 12/2020.
46. CVM Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC). 9/2018 – 4/2021. Chair fall/2019 – April 2021.
47. Vet student admissions interviews: 2004 – present. Interview 1 day per year (5 applicants)
48. Miracle of Birth Center. Minnesota State Fair. 1 day each year. Aug., 2004 – present (cancelled in 2020)
49. Search Committee. Associated Dean for Research. June-July, 2019.
50. Poster Judge. CVM Points of Pride Research Day. Oct. 2, 2019. 2 hrs
51. China Center 40th Anniversary Celebration. Represented VPM Dept. Minneapolis, MN. Oct. 30, 2019.
52. Annual attendance at Convocation ceremony for veterinary students. 1999 – present.
53. Search Committee. VBS Dept. Faculty position in Microbiome research (AGREETT). 12/2016 – 2018.
54. Search Committee. CVM Faculty position in antimicrobial use & resistance (AGREETT). 5/2017 – 11/2017.
55. Population Systems Signature Program Steering Committee. 2015 – 2017.
56. Faculty advisor/interviewee: MMPA – Leveraging programs and resources to support Minnesota dairy producers. 1 hr interview on campus. Oct. 12, 2016.
57. Administrative Review Committee – Dr. Laura Molgaard. 12/3/2014 – 1/4/2015
58. Clinical skills taskforce – curriculum revision. 2013.
59. Admissions Committee. January, 2009
60. Committee for Curriculum and Academic Affairs (2008): Sept. 2004 – 2011.
61. Awards, Honors and Scholarship Committee. Includes attendance at annual awards ceremony to announce and handout awards. University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. Sept. 2000 – May, 2004. Fall 2005 – 2015.
62. AHC Academic Council. Dec. 2006 – spring, 2008.
63. Review of U of MN (Morris) assistant professor for tenure and promotion. 7/16/2007.
64. Member of Subcommittee on Rotation Grading. 2006.
65. Search Committee: Diagnostic Pathologist. Department of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine. Mar. 2004 – 2005.
66. Search Committee: Chair for Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences. University
of Minnesota. Aug. 2003 – 2004.
67. Careers Committee. University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. Aug. 2002 – 2004
68. Conflict Review and Management Committee – review panel participant. Veterinary Teaching Hospital. University
of Minnesota. Aug. 2001 – 2002.
69. Integrated Surveillance Work Group. Center for Animal Health and Food Safety. University of Minnesota. Aug. 2002 – present.
1. Co-Chair. Faculty Behavior in Graduate Education Advisory Group. Large group meets biweekly. Planning/coordination team meets biweekly. Sept. 2021-June 2023
2. Chair. Search Committee. Graduate School – Director, Data Management and Information Technology. Feb-Mar, 2022
3. University Faculty Senate. 9/2019 – spring 2021.
4. Search Committee for Dept. of Anim. Sci. Ruminant Nutrition faculty position. 12/2019 – 8/2020
5. Rapid Agricultural Response Fund Review Committee. 5/2015 – 2018.
6. Task force: Veterinary Advisory Committee – Prevention of Animal Cruelty. Nov. 2014.
7. Faculty Council Committee (2008). Sept. 2005 – 2008.
8. Search Committee: Dairy Nutrition Extension Position. Department of Animal Science. University of Minnesota. June – Aug., 2001.
9. Search Committee: Dairy Production/ Management Systems Position. Department of Animal Science. University of Minnesota. June – Aug., 2001
6.6 Public and Other Service
1. Volunteer. We Can Ride therapeutic riding center. Medina, MN. 1/2019 – spring 2020
2. Heifer International – volunteer. BOD member 11/2011 – fall, 2017 (6 year term) 3 meetings per year, local fund raising activities (Baby Animal Fair in MN 4/2013, 2015, 2017, 2019)
3. Member. U.S. Veterinarians Without Borders. Fall, 2009 – 2016. Mar,, 2009. Contributed 1.5 days to review 30 student applications for acceptance to a VWB mission to Liberia in July. Developed and helped deliver 2 week short course on ruminant health management to animal health care workers in Liberia in July, 2013. Reviewed and provided input on new grant proposal in 10/2015.
4. Member. Veterinarians Without Borders – Canada. Jan. 2009 – 2014.
6.7 Selected Professional Development, Continuing Education Courses and Conferences Attended
1. CVM Dare to Lead leadership training workshop. Oct. 23-25, 2023
2. Spanish for Dairy/Ag Beginners course. April-June, 2023
3. CVM Conflict Management workshop. March 13-16, 2023
4. CVM Research ethics webinar. March 2, 2022
5. Black History in Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture. Feb. 21, 2022
6. Minoritization of International Students. Mar. 18, 2022
7. Diversity workshop: Understanding LGBTQIA Identities. April 6, 2022
8. CVM Leads: Leadership Development Program. Sept. 2019 – July 2020.
9. 35th ADSA Discover Converence on Food Animal Science: Effects of Stress on Health and Production in Dairy Cows. Itasca, IL. Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2018
10. Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council. 1999, 2003-present (+ regional meeting Ghent 8/4/2014). 2018 Short course: Engaged employees: The connection between protocols and performance.
11. Annual Minnesota Dairy Health Conference. St. Paul
, MN. 2000 – present. Stockmanship training short course. 4/18/2019.
12. Mastitis Research Worker’s Conference and NE1009/NE1028/NE1048 Regional Mastitis Research Worker’s Meeting. 2002 – present.
13. Annual Conference of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. 1997, 1999 – present. Preconference seminars: 1997 – Dairy Herd Evaluation: A Computer- Aided Approach. 3 day seminar; 1999 and 2006 – Applied Dairy Nutrition and Problem Solving, and Dry Cow Nutrition; 2000 – Advanced Ruminant Nutrition: Dietary Proteins, Fats and Waste Management; 2002 – Johne’s Disease: Current Concepts, Diagnostics, and Management Strategies; 2003 – Energy-Associated Disease: Risk Factors, Monitoring Programs and Prevention; 2004 – Transition cow nutrition; 2003 – present: The replacement heifer from birth to weaning. 2015. Applied Dairy Nutrition.
14. U of MN workshop: Searching for Excellence and Diversity: A workshop for current and future search committee members. April 21, 2015.
15. U of MN IACUC Training Course. Minneapolis, MN. Jan. 31, 2012.
16. Livestock in the Developing World: Working to ensure veterinary capacity building is appropriate. Seminar 14 in 45th Annu Conf. AABP. Sept 19, 2012. Montreal, QC.
17. Local Policy Making for Animal Health, Public Health and Food Systems. St. Paul, MN. Oct. 17-19, 2011.
18. CFI Food System Experts Engagement Training. St. Paul, MN Sept. 1, 2010.
19. Semester Sabbatical – Jan – April, 2010. University
of California– Davis. Two weeks at NAHMS (USDA). Fort Collins, CO.
20. Engaging Intergovernmental Organizations. Global Initiative for Food Systems Leadership, Center for Animal Health and Food Safety, University of MN. Geneva, Switzerland
; Paris, France; Rome, Italy. February 21-27, 2010.
21. Academy of Dairy Veterinary Consultants. 04/2010. Sacramento, CA
; Apr. 15-16, 2011, Half Moon Bay, CA (Became certified for F.A.R.M. Welfare Assessment Program).
22. University of Minnesota One Health Program. CAHFS. June 3-4, 2009.
23. Methodologies in epidemiological research. Schwabe Symposium. Chicago, IL. Dec. 6, 2009.
24. CSREES Animal Protection and Biosecurity PD Workshop. Dec. 7, 2008. Chicago, IL.
25. XII Curso Novos Enfoques na Produçăo e Reproduçăo de Bovinos. Uberlăndia– Minas Gerais, Brazil. March. 6-7, 2008.
26. Annu. PDHGA Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference. 2007, 2008.
27. Calf Management Conference. June 20-22, 2007. Steinkjer, Norway.
28. Annual Meet. of the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association. 2000 – 2005, 2007 – 2009. 2011, 2014 29. PubH 6325. Data processing with PC-SAS. Spring, 2007. (audit 1 credit course)
30. Assoc. for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (AVEPM) 2006 Symposium. Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD). Chicago, IL. Dec. 3, 2006.
31. Graduate course (2 credits): VMED 5082. Diagnostic epidemiology of infectious diseases. U of MN. Spring semester, 2006.
32. 23rd World Buiatrics Congress 2004. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. July 11-12, 2004.
33. Replacement Management. Dairy Health Management Certificate Program (Module 8). University of Guelph. Guelph, Ontario. Jan. 20-22, 2004.
34. Teaching Enrichment Workshop: Peer Observation of Teaching. Minneapolis, MN. 03/2003.
35. Advanced Quantitative Epidemiology. Module 2. Guelph, ON. June 25-29, 2001.
36. Web C.E. Course: Dairy Decision Making in a Financial Context. Eight-week modular course. University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. Summer, 2000.
37. Bush Faculty Development Program on Excellence and Diversity in Teaching. University of Minnesota . August, 1999 – May, 2000.
Clinical Service – Herd investigations or service on dairy management teams
1. Skyview Dairy. Hutchinson, MN. Consulting on youngstock management. 8/2023-present. Avg 1.5-2 hrs/mos.
2. St. Paul Campus Dairy. Veterinarian of record for youngstock program. 6/2015 – 2020
3. Herd investigations: Approx. 3-5 per year from 1999 – present
4. Herd research/student internships. 2018: Assist Riverview Dairy System with design of 2 studies (conducted by summer interns Nicole O’Sell and Taylor Aubrey) plus assist with data analysis and interpretation.
5. Phone or email consultations with producers/veterinarians: Approx. 2-3 hrs/week. 1999-present.
6. Minnesota Zoo and Como Zoo. Occasional nutritional/colostrum management consulting 2003-present.
7. Shanghai Dairy Diagnostic Team. Quarterly meetings. July 2000 – 2011.
8.Dreier Dairy Diagnostic Team. Quarterly meetings. Dec. 2001 – 2009.
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