Professor, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs

Department of Veterinary Population Medicine

College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota

A barn with an open door and no windows.

Sandra is a 1993 graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph.

After working for two years as an associate veterinarian in mixed practice in Eastern Ontario, she returned to Guelph to complete a DVSc degree specializing in dairy production medicine.

From 1998 to present she has been a member of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Minnesota where she is involved with professional DVM student teaching, applied research and outreach activities in dairy production medicine.

Sandra is a Past President of both the National Mastitis Council and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Her major academic interests currently include applied research in mastitis control, colostrum and calf health management. 

  1. Update on colostrum management
  2. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalss.
  3. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves.
  1. Update on colostrum management
  2. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalss.
  3. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves.

11. Calf nutrition – Birth to weaning. S. Godden. 2022 Virginia Veterinary Conference. Feb. 24-26, 2022. Roanoke, VA. (virtual)

18. Management considerations to prevent espiratory disease in group-housed preweaned dairy calves. S. Godden and W. Knauer. 54th Annu Conf Am Assoc. Bov Pract. Oct. 7-9, 2021. Salt Lake City, UT

  1. Update on colostrum management
  2. Pasteurized milk feeding systems – Capturing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalss.
  3. Pros, cons and best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves.

38. Polo Di Formazione Per Lo Sviluppo Agro Zootecnico. Nov. 18-20m 2019. Maccarese-Rome, Italy. 6 presentations:

  1. Housing Options for Preweaned Dairy Calves – Pros, Cons and Best Management Practices
  2. Importance of Bedding Selection and Management to Cow Comfort, Welfare and Udder Health
  3. Management Strategies to Reduce Bacteria Counts in Bedding and Enhance Udder Health
  4. Reducing Antibiotic Use Through Selective Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and at Dry-off
  5. Newborn Care and Colostrum Management of Dairy Calves
  6. Nutritional Management of the Preweaned Dairy Calf

39. Bedding Management and Udder Health: Chipping Away at the Important Questions. CVM/CFANS Dairy Seminar Series. Oct. 21, 2019.

  1. Kyabram, Australia. June 29, 2017
  2. Warrnambool, Australia. June 29, 2017
  3. Maffra, Australia. July 3, 2017

52. S. Godden. Is it Squeaky clean? The 4th Q of colostrum management.

  1. Kyabram, Australia. June 29, 2017
  2. Warrnambool, Australia. June 29, 2017
  3. Maffra, Australia. July 3, 2017

53. S. Godden. Update in colostrum management. College Science Week Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. July 6-8, 2017

  1. Is selective dry cow therapy an opportunity for your herd?
  2. 3 B’s of Udder Health: Bedding, Bacterial Load and Better Management.
  3. Colostrum management – A cornerstone of the youngstock program
  4. Best management practices for group-housed preweaned dairy calves

54. S. Godden. Managing pasteurized milk systems for calves. College Science Week Conference. Gold Coast, Australia. July 6-8, 2017

  1. An update on evidence-based selective dry cow therapy protocols. S. Rowe, S. Godden, A. Vasquez, and D. Nydam. M2 Magazine. 03/22/2022
  2. Podcast: Selective Dry Cow Therapy.  UMN Extension. 10/26/2020
  3. Study links cloth udder towels to mastitis and other infections. Radio interview w/ Brownfield Ag News. Jan. 8, 2020
  4. Guiding selective dry cow therapy decisions. S. Godden. Bovine Veterinarian. July 2020. Pg. 4
  5. Radio Interview: Best Management Practices for Group-Housed Calves. PDPW. Dairy Radio, WI. May 8, 2019.
  6. S. Godden. Colostrum Management: Moving from ‘Good’ to ‘Excellent’. DairyStar Newsletter. April 25, 2019.
  7. Minimize pain in calves with proper disbudding, dehorning. DairyStar Newsletter. 3/28/2018
  8. Nydam, D., E. Royster, S. Godden, P. Gorden, and P. Ruegg. Can susceptibility testing help pinpoint treatment?   Hoard’s Dairyman. Dec. 2018. Pg. 734.
  9. Godden, S. Don’t forget to monitor your pasteurized milk feeding system. DairyStar Newsletter. 1/5/2018
  10. Godden, S. Best management practices for group housing of preweaned dairy calves. U of MN Dairy Star article. 2/2017.
  11. Godden, S. Selective dry cow therapy – We can do this!. U of MN Dairy Star article. 5/2016.
  12. S. Godden. 4/2014. Factsheet: Colostrum Heat-treatment Systems for Dairy Calves: Overview of processing and monitoring.
  13. S. Godden. 4/2014. Factsheet: Pasteurized Milk Systems for Calves: Overview of processing and monitoring.
  14. Godden, S.  2001. A review of the major enteric diseases of young dairy calves. In Proc. Nutrena Calf College.  St. Paul, MN.  March 13-15, 2001.
  15. Godden, S., and J. Linn. 2001. Don’t waste your protein. Minnesota
    DHIA Monthly Update Newsletter. Pp. 2-3. May 2001.
  16. Godden, S.  2000. Biosecurity in Upper Midwest Dairy Herds.  In Proc. First District Dairy Producer’s Field Day. Alexandria, MN.  Jan. 22, 2000. 
  17. Godden, S. and J. Linn.  1999. Don’t waste your protein. University
    of Minnesota Dairy Initiatives Newsletter. Vol. 8 (2: Fall): 6-7, 1999.
  18. Godden, S.  1999. Biosecurity in Upper Midwest Dairy Herds.  In Proc: Holstein Association Field Day. Wabasha, MN.  Aug 7., 1999. 
  19. Buelow, K., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, and S. Godden. 1999. Reproductive performance. University of Minnesota Dairy Initiatives Newsletter. Vol. 8 (1: Spring): 8-9, 1999.
  20. Godden, S. 1998. Conclusions from a study to evaluate a milk urea assay, and to describe the relationship between milk urea results and feeding management and performance in Ontario dairy herds. Extension Report to Ontario DHIA. November 10, 1998.
  21. Godden, S.  1998. Recommendations on the reporting of milk urea nitrogen results. Extension Report to Ontario DHIA. March, 1998.
  22. Godden, S.  1998. Summary of findings of a study to examine the association between herd average milk urea nitrogen (MUN) concentrations and time of sample collection. Extension Report to Ontario DHIA. March 2, 1998.
  23. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1997. Effect of sample type and handling on a milk urea nitrogen assay.  Dairy Research Report, University of Guelph. pp 83-84.
  24. Godden, S., K. Lissemore, D. Kelton, K. Leslie, J. Lumsden, and J. Walton. 1995 Milk urea nitrogen analysis. Dairy Progress Report, Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation.  pp 10-11.

Articles or References to Work in Lay Publications, Press and Newsletters

1. Quickness is crucial for quality colostrum.  Hoard’s Dairyman Intel. Feb. 7, 2022.  

1/09 – 4/09                   Pablo Campos, Brazil DVM student (MAST program)

9/09 – 12/09                  Andriy Vatulin, Ukraine agriculture student (MAST program)